Wednesday, 28 January 2009
Featured This Week : Rihanna

Saturday, 24 January 2009
Last day in KK
Nexus Karambunai Hotel Lobby
Way to my room. This is Ocean Wing. For Borneo Villa, I forgot to snap a pic coz.. enjoy the buggy ride too much :P
Nexus beach, summer time.. ehs.. no... in the afternoon...
Their well renowned Borneo Spa, this is only the lobby. sigh. wish I could try their spa menu here ...
Once again.. my biggie room, for such 1 small person like me. Looks like big enuff to throw pyjamas party with my girlfriends.
Hehe.. big wide smile after warm bath and warm robe.. this is right after came back from that bloody river safari.
My room from the ghost (pervert) view...
Nexus beach at 6.00am
Yeah. I miss KL. Seriously. The work, deadlines, shouting at my work mates, long hour in the office,traffic jam...and online games. Can clearly see not so many things to cheer about on my last day here in KK as well as this post..because my heart was not totally there anymore.
Monday, 19 January 2009
Continuity of Lolipop..
Ohhh now then I got clear picture...
"I take you to the candy shop
I'll let you lick a lollypop
Go 'head girl, don't you stop
Keep going 'til you hit the spot (whoa) "
There goes my lolipop...sweet sticky cute thing turn into very dirty candy...Thanks to Mr. 50 Cents.
Sunday, 18 January 2009
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Dont Be Creative, Just Be Stupid.
There. In your face. Itchy mouth.
Tuesday, 13 January 2009
Miss Crocodile Hunter...
The jouney took like..2.. no..3 hours from Nexus Karambunai to Klias River. The rain was pouring down like crazy and all I can do was listening to my ipod,playing the same song over and over again and thinking about KFC. Since the plan is to watch fireflies (ONLY~!!!) so they made the trip a very long journey so that we will reach the place by 5pm. And 5PM in KK is like 6.30 in KL. And it was kinda lucky, the rain stop by the time we arrived.
Getting all set up to take the boat to see monkey.. (zzzz) Owhh..have you seen someone with a big round J-Lo loop earring going to river safari? If you never seen any, Hello, you found one already ..kekeke very stylish for nature sight seeing eh?
Eeekkk by looking at it.. my mind starting to think about Anaconda : The Hunt for a blood Orchid.. or Lake Placid~!!! Lucky this is not Sarawak.. of not.. Abang Bujang Senang will simply propose me here as his yummy food .. eeekkkk...~!
Eeekk what if suddenly the lion jump from that bush and eat all of us on the boat? Very creepy.
I was so tired from this trip. I swear I can die if the bus driver unable to reach the resort in 2 hours time so that I can have warm shower and warm blanket. But eh? Suddenly they made a stop at the night market. I stepped down from the bus and saw..wahhh pearlss.. pearlsss everywhere. As cheap as RM10 liao. With the little energy left inside, I was able to cross the night market from this side to the other, made a full complete 1 round. I saw white, black and pinkies (alright, this one 100% fake le) I was drowned by the sight of the pearls until i forgot to take out my cam and at least take 1 picture (zzzz) of the night market.
(Wahh i made it looks like a catalogue kekekekz)
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Biggie Moon Ever~!!!
This is the picture taken oh - so - professionally by the Expedition 14 crewmember outerspace... Well... I ran out to my balcony..I want to have my own moon picture.. it might be the biggest moon ever appeared in my entire life perhaps..and i dont wanna miss it.. Here is my version.. my moon...
And why is the moon appear 14% bigger than usual.. high tide..low tide.. 29.5 days circle bla bla bla..ermms..please read it here >http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/28581233/?GT1=43001 . Anyway.. whatever their explaination and description on that big star...to me.. it is just a moon..big, round, shiny ball...hanging in the sky..and when i feel sappy,,yes i do go out and find the moon to be looked at (when there is a moon lah)..and it made me smile. And i try to avoid to read further research by those scientist about one day this big star will explode and die.. it just a heartbreaking research report for me to read . After finish posting this, I decided to continue watching the moon from my bedroom.. dont really dare to go down stairs to have the moon-bathing since there might be a few warewolfs unleash and roaming around the town tonight. This is moon by my bedroom window pane...Lovely.
Good Night.
Friday, 9 January 2009
Traveller in Travel Agency
Black among the blondes...uh - oh.. my hair so shiny inside this picture..heheheh..
1st stop was Beringgis Beach Resort, nice cosy resort and they accomodated us at their new Dinawan Wing, biggie, spacie room i would say..and yes, their hospitality towards us were very.. very nice & warm...
Take off my earring.. my ears are very tired..
Wanna show off my big bed...
It was a good start in Beringgis Beach Resort.. seriously, loves it.
Day 2nd~We moved to the city hotel, Promenade, and did an inspection at Shangri-La Tg Aru.. georgous 5 stars hotel, anyway too bad, by the time we arrived, the entire building had a black out. So nothing much i can shoot.. what a waste ler.
Gorgeous lobby.. very ethnic-y
Everywhere were fresh lilies~! I never saw mountains of lillies like this in my life~! Luxurious...
At hotel entrance they have this, and there was a girl playing this musical instrument..very soothing, enticing sound. Then suddenly got black out, she flee away, i had to replace her to continue playing ...and it was a song..."what have i done.. linkin park..." keh keh keh...
The Spa area
And oh~! The food at Cafe Boleh in Shangri-La Tg Aru.. is the best~! Mountains of food from all over the world. Well what can i say, it is their specialities i think.. all Shangri-La cafes and restaurants serves overwhelming good food.
Day 3~ Sutera Harbour/Magellan: Wuhoo.. Nice~! The trip is getting better leh. With opened arms, they accomodate us at the pacific Wing Club room.. huhuhu..Here a bit relaxing, afternoon time we had an islander lunch at Manukan Island. 6 words, When will I be here again...
This is Juliet, Marketing Executive who helped us alot throughout resort inspection in Sutera/Manukan
Upon arrival at Manukan Island, you will given a chance to feed these Nemos.. and cousins Nemo.. for a good luck (that was what they said lar) and while throwing Gardenia bread, Im wishing that these fishes will help me get my New Honda City (new edition) in year 2009...
Chalet at Manukan Island. Only got few units.. for price and package, please do call my office for the quotation..kekekz
Uh oh, I stepped on young Japanese sweet candy...yummi. Should see it live, his skin glistening under the sun you know.. grrrr..
Time to leave... when will I be here again...(my pink slippers inside the picture again..heeee...)
Sutera Magellan Wing from the Sea View..Maybe this is how fishes and clams view everyday..from here and feeling sorry to their friends and family in the resort's kitchen..Pool at the resort.
Senja at Sutera Beach...awww..
Orangey-reddish-blueish sky.with a calm sea from my window...So long never see this ler..because, everyday back home late from work..by the time i stepped out from office, it was all dark already..(Well, I dont dare to look at the sky while driving during day time tho...on Federal Highway man.. you look look up to the sky, gonna bang other's people car lah)
Big Bed room...
Small me on the big bed
My biggie bathroom, FYI this only half of it..another half is behind me, shower area with doored glass and next to it is toilet bowl. Dont want to show in here lah..later suey.
Ok lah, that is it for now.. tired ler.. next time I continue with The Nexus Karambunai and "The Journal of a Crocodile Hunter at Klias River Safari" thee hee.. Adios Amigos~!
Saturday, 3 January 2009
What is LOVE?

I hope he is not Gay le.. If not.. what a waste.. those abs..