Black among the blondes...uh - oh.. my hair so shiny inside this picture..heheheh..
1st stop was Beringgis Beach Resort, nice cosy resort and they accomodated us at their new Dinawan Wing, biggie, spacie room i would say..and yes, their hospitality towards us were very.. very nice & warm...
Take off my earring.. my ears are very tired..
Wanna show off my big bed...
It was a good start in Beringgis Beach Resort.. seriously, loves it.
Day 2nd~We moved to the city hotel, Promenade, and did an inspection at Shangri-La Tg Aru.. georgous 5 stars hotel, anyway too bad, by the time we arrived, the entire building had a black out. So nothing much i can shoot.. what a waste ler.
Gorgeous lobby.. very ethnic-y
Everywhere were fresh lilies~! I never saw mountains of lillies like this in my life~! Luxurious...
At hotel entrance they have this, and there was a girl playing this musical instrument..very soothing, enticing sound. Then suddenly got black out, she flee away, i had to replace her to continue playing ...and it was a song..."what have i done.. linkin park..." keh keh keh...
The Spa area
And oh~! The food at Cafe Boleh in Shangri-La Tg Aru.. is the best~! Mountains of food from all over the world. Well what can i say, it is their specialities i think.. all Shangri-La cafes and restaurants serves overwhelming good food.
Day 3~ Sutera Harbour/Magellan: Wuhoo.. Nice~! The trip is getting better leh. With opened arms, they accomodate us at the pacific Wing Club room.. huhuhu..Here a bit relaxing, afternoon time we had an islander lunch at Manukan Island. 6 words, When will I be here again...
This is Juliet, Marketing Executive who helped us alot throughout resort inspection in Sutera/Manukan
Upon arrival at Manukan Island, you will given a chance to feed these Nemos.. and cousins Nemo.. for a good luck (that was what they said lar) and while throwing Gardenia bread, Im wishing that these fishes will help me get my New Honda City (new edition) in year 2009...
Chalet at Manukan Island. Only got few units.. for price and package, please do call my office for the quotation..kekekz
Uh oh, I stepped on young Japanese sweet candy...yummi. Should see it live, his skin glistening under the sun you know.. grrrr..
Time to leave... when will I be here again...(my pink slippers inside the picture again..heeee...)
Sutera Magellan Wing from the Sea View..Maybe this is how fishes and clams view everyday..from here and feeling sorry to their friends and family in the resort's kitchen..Pool at the resort.
Senja at Sutera Beach...awww..
Orangey-reddish-blueish sky.with a calm sea from my window...So long never see this ler..because, everyday back home late from the time i stepped out from office, it was all dark already..(Well, I dont dare to look at the sky while driving during day time tho...on Federal Highway man.. you look look up to the sky, gonna bang other's people car lah)
Big Bed room...
Small me on the big bed
My biggie bathroom, FYI this only half of it..another half is behind me, shower area with doored glass and next to it is toilet bowl. Dont want to show in here lah..later suey.
Ok lah, that is it for now.. tired ler.. next time I continue with The Nexus Karambunai and "The Journal of a Crocodile Hunter at Klias River Safari" thee hee.. Adios Amigos~!
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