Wahhh.. the title, very the gempak liao. Actually, 4th day of the KK FAM trip, I also joined the group to watch some monkey and fireflies along the Klias River, KK. Me? Fireflies? River? Monkey? Me, myself also not sure what I was doing that time. I had an option to choose not to go. But, what else can i do? sit in the room and watching TV? So I said to myself, oh why not...I can go to National Zoo last 15 years ago, why not this river safari? But hell.. after 30 minutes sitting on the bus driving towards the said place.. i continuosly cursing myself for always made a wrong decision...
The jouney took like..2.. no..3 hours from Nexus Karambunai to Klias River. The rain was pouring down like crazy and all I can do was listening to my ipod,playing the same song over and over again and thinking about KFC. Since the plan is to watch fireflies (ONLY~!!!) so they made the trip a very long journey so that we will reach the place by 5pm. And 5PM in KK is like 6.30 in KL. And it was kinda lucky, the rain stop by the time we arrived.
Argghh I knew it la.. im not this type of person who very close to nature ok? But at least i do the paper recycle back in my office in order to save trees~! And i do make monthly contribution to WWF leh. I think it is more than enough from 1 person like me.
Getting all set up to take the boat to see monkey.. (zzzz) Owhh..have you seen someone with a big round J-Lo loop earring going to river safari? If you never seen any, Hello, you found one already ..kekeke very stylish for nature sight seeing eh?
Eeekkk by looking at it.. my mind starting to think about Anaconda : The Hunt for a blood Orchid.. or Lake Placid~!!! Lucky this is not Sarawak.. of not.. Abang Bujang Senang will simply propose me here as his yummy food .. eeekkkk...~!
Eeekk what if suddenly the lion jump from that bush and eat all of us on the boat? Very creepy.
Ahhhh, after the lousy dinner at the jetty, we continue to watch the fireflies. It was so.... pretty...remind me of all the childhood fairytales. They looks like stardust fall on the trees..shiny like a diamond.. uh oh.. i cant explain it in word lah and why i do not have a picture of them? Because flashlight from the camera could kill them you know.. See? I do care about nature...(by the way how on earth to take picture in the dark la, I really dont know how to do it. So that's the main point. Heeheee..)
I was so tired from this trip. I swear I can die if the bus driver unable to reach the resort in 2 hours time so that I can have warm shower and warm blanket. But eh? Suddenly they made a stop at the night market. I stepped down from the bus and saw..wahhh pearlss.. pearlsss everywhere. As cheap as RM10 liao. With the little energy left inside, I was able to cross the night market from this side to the other, made a full complete 1 round. I saw white, black and pinkies (alright, this one 100% fake le) I was drowned by the sight of the pearls until i forgot to take out my cam and at least take 1 picture (zzzz) of the night market.
I was so tired from this trip. I swear I can die if the bus driver unable to reach the resort in 2 hours time so that I can have warm shower and warm blanket. But eh? Suddenly they made a stop at the night market. I stepped down from the bus and saw..wahhh pearlss.. pearlsss everywhere. As cheap as RM10 liao. With the little energy left inside, I was able to cross the night market from this side to the other, made a full complete 1 round. I saw white, black and pinkies (alright, this one 100% fake le) I was drowned by the sight of the pearls until i forgot to take out my cam and at least take 1 picture (zzzz) of the night market.
(Wahh i made it looks like a catalogue kekekekz)
After tired choosing between white or black.. finally i decided to take this one.. it is a set of bracelet and necklace. Since I was too tired to bargain, I took it at at RM200 (I know..its a bit pricey). What to do.. Morale : Do not pearl shopping if you were very tired from monkeys, fireflies, river safari whatso - ever trip. Haih.
After the night market, we straight headed to the resort, shower, and zzzzzzzz** (was too tired until i didnt had enough time to really enjoy the details of the resort,food,room,bed at Nexus Karambunai.. haih.) And from that moment, I, 150% confirmed, that i hate this type of get - together- with - nature trip, because now i starting to remember the memories waaayyy back at 5 years ago, with my Ex Bf, when followed him camping at Ulu Yam.. I choosed to sleep inside his car instead of joining everybody sleept inside the tent. (with air cond on).
this post is funny lols