Congratulation to my dear friend of 16 years.. for having a new born baby boy for the past few days. Am I his official bitchy God mother already? Haha.
He is so tiny and I was so freaked out, resulting a failure in attempt to carry him. I was like so ready to camwhore with him. Maybe I will come back after 3-4 months until he's really carry-able. lol.
No more lonely night for you I guess. =)
Sunday, 28 February 2010
Friday, 26 February 2010
Loves it, but I have to let it go...
Because I don't have space in my wardrobe, and I don't know when I can wear it again. So, Im letting it go at half price. So I put it in here and hopefully it will leave my closet someday.
From Bebe. The fabric is a stretchable satin silk, figure hugging and sexy! Size XS, worn twice
The fabric made from Italy and actually the red is more to blood red/Venetian red and it deliciously shines under the light. The darker the room, the more it shines. That's the special thing about this fabric.
Original price was MRY1039 and now Im letting it go at MYR500. And oh, it has a very low cut back. Sex siren.
This is tube dress from MNG, size M. I liked it so much but they didn't have S or XS size. So I took M size because... I want it wear it. lol. I don't know many people said it looks greenish but it actually black.
The fabric is lycra and lace, figure hugging, suitable for petite frame. Made you look sexy and cute at the same time though. Worn once. Original price was MYR120 and now Im letting it go at MYR60.
This Sailormoon boots I bought it during my trip to HongKong. I don't know why I bought it, but it must be the big bow on it. I really can't tahan looking stuff with bow and ribbons.. they make me wanna buy it right on spot.
It's HongKong local brand called ColorEighteen. You can go to their website and check how to wear it with your outfit. I bought it last year at price MYR399 (after consider currency conversion) and now Im selling it at MYR200. This boots is brand new and I never used it at all =(
The big bow is removable and it came with 2 types of shoe lace and extra heels tip in case you party and stomp it too much. Size 5(US) / 3(UK) / 35 (Asia).
This diamente boots makes you looks kinda cute rock star. If you have long slim leg.. this is perfect for u if you wanna have Japanese anime cartoon character's look. haha
Even it's tall (not that tall 1.5 inch only) but it is damn comfortable because of the padding and stuff. If you planning to go to cold place like Japan or Korea, this boots is definitely gonna butter up your style lah.
Buy this boots and you are going to get cute color eighteen carry on duffel bag in black and pink color worth MYR100. Anything just email me at There will be more to come. I am doing my closet spring cleaning and I, myself will be surprised to find more unused dresses and clothes in the process. PPffttt.
And ah.. calling to all cute lingerie collectors... La Senza is having mega sale discount up to 60% at all stores. And...die hard fan like me is getting 15% extra discount on top of it!! starting now until 28th February.
Reduction on price means inflation in your asset.
till then. xoxo.
From Bebe. The fabric is a stretchable satin silk, figure hugging and sexy! Size XS, worn twice
The fabric made from Italy and actually the red is more to blood red/Venetian red and it deliciously shines under the light. The darker the room, the more it shines. That's the special thing about this fabric.
Original price was MRY1039 and now Im letting it go at MYR500. And oh, it has a very low cut back. Sex siren.
This is tube dress from MNG, size M. I liked it so much but they didn't have S or XS size. So I took M size because... I want it wear it. lol. I don't know many people said it looks greenish but it actually black.
The fabric is lycra and lace, figure hugging, suitable for petite frame. Made you look sexy and cute at the same time though. Worn once. Original price was MYR120 and now Im letting it go at MYR60.
This Sailormoon boots I bought it during my trip to HongKong. I don't know why I bought it, but it must be the big bow on it. I really can't tahan looking stuff with bow and ribbons.. they make me wanna buy it right on spot.
It's HongKong local brand called ColorEighteen. You can go to their website and check how to wear it with your outfit. I bought it last year at price MYR399 (after consider currency conversion) and now Im selling it at MYR200. This boots is brand new and I never used it at all =(
The big bow is removable and it came with 2 types of shoe lace and extra heels tip in case you party and stomp it too much. Size 5(US) / 3(UK) / 35 (Asia).
This diamente boots makes you looks kinda cute rock star. If you have long slim leg.. this is perfect for u if you wanna have Japanese anime cartoon character's look. haha
Even it's tall (not that tall 1.5 inch only) but it is damn comfortable because of the padding and stuff. If you planning to go to cold place like Japan or Korea, this boots is definitely gonna butter up your style lah.
Buy this boots and you are going to get cute color eighteen carry on duffel bag in black and pink color worth MYR100. Anything just email me at There will be more to come. I am doing my closet spring cleaning and I, myself will be surprised to find more unused dresses and clothes in the process. PPffttt.
And ah.. calling to all cute lingerie collectors... La Senza is having mega sale discount up to 60% at all stores. And...die hard fan like me is getting 15% extra discount on top of it!! starting now until 28th February.
Reduction on price means inflation in your asset.
till then. xoxo.
Wednesday, 24 February 2010
I Hate it but I can't stop it.
Too bad, I can't fully enjoy my rest day after I quit my job for almost 3 weeks. I feel restless and I don't know how people do it but I just can't. Im addicted to hectic and busy life. Now it is proven that Im not the housewife material. sitting at home do nothing even if given a lot of pocket money to spend to. Nope.
So now Im on track again, busy calling and emailing, texting and meeting. The difference is.. now I do it from home and having meeting and discussion over coffee and unique nasi lemak at Alicafe or slow waiter's respond and service at White Old Town coffee are much more fun! Having own time to decide where and what, to know how much you are getting accordingly to your effort is much more meaningful. I'm so getting a Vaio P. Lawan Cik Semah with her Vaio Z. Or is it X?
I think I had enough with the rest. Stress no more. Can feel the difference now. There were horrid things happened to me lately and yet surprisingly I can let it go with a smile. Like "ahh.. the fuck with it" and moved on. Last time I have to go to yoga class to channel out my stress, and it still didn't help. Nagged non stop and hope it will ease the clogged chest, but still I was in melancholic mode. So, what's the point?
Okay, stop about me. Actually I found a quick remedy for a sorrowful heart. Be it anger, sad or frustration, try the below option.
I found this when I was searching a public review on Whitney Houston's comeback concert in Australia early this year. Because after 6 months "I look at You" has been released, I didn't feel the heat as Mariah's did with her "Obsessed" and "I wanna know what love is" right after she released her new single and album same time as Whitney, last year..
I was gagged at the 1st time I listened to this boy, well, I thought he is only joking around and try to impersonate William Hung or something. But, I realized he got hundreds of it.. from Avril Lavgine to Gun and Roses, from Jingle bells to touch my body by Mariah Carey!
I hate him so much but I cant stop myself from checking out his other clips cuz I really wanna know how he sound like when singing Umbrella by Rihanna or Black Eyes Pea's Boom Boom Pow! And the list keep continue with Miley Crus, Linkin Park, Eminem.... all the topcharters la okay? You named it, he got it! Not enough with the cover version, he did the dance video too!!!
Yea, he did the POKEMON theme song as well. You can put a song request at the comment area and he will do it for you. He got huge fan base who really crazy about him, wanna marry him and want him marry their sister so that he can be their brother in law.His latest video nowadays got more than 1 million hits/viewer.
The more I listen to him.. the more I scream. I don't know what was I screamed for but I screamed.
Man.. he's the best remedy when your day ill you. LOL.
and I found this. Start from now I will pay close attention to my guy friends' hands and fingers.
So for the ladies who shy to look at your guy friend's face when talking kan.. so you have another stuff to check out la... hehe
Friday, 19 February 2010
Cooking for LAZY ones.
I know... after 3 years of blogging (2 years did nothing, last year kinda active), I never had any cooking post, and yet I am a girl! What a shame. Keep posting all those delicious foods which cooked by other people, where to get it, how much was it.. without realizing that I am not a complete normal girl..without know how to cook. Shame on me!
So, in pursuing a title of 'complete package of a normal girl', tadaaaa... here it is. I started with easy peasy lazy style of cooking! *oh Im so proud*.
This is called - Easy Peasy Lazy Fettucini for lazy people.
It's very easy and consume a very little of your time to prepare. All you need is;
- Olive Oil
- Garlic
- Yellow Onion
- Dried mushroom
- Fettucini
- Tomato Puree sauce
- a pinch of salt
- last but not least.. a desire to cook.
Im using extra virgin olive oil..whichever brand, it's all up to u. All people like everything extra virgin I guess? Since fettucini is an italian's, so try to stick to those item used in cooking italian food. Any attempt to localize it by putting Kicap Kipas Udang or belacan.. would be a no-no.
and here I'm using official pasta for Australian netball team (and because Im going to Australia next April, hehe) by uncle San Remo.
This is enough for 1 people, 1 time for lunch and the remaining is for dinner (lazy, remember?)
I like mushroom. especially pre cut ones. very easy to use and makes my cook yummier. If you don't like mushroom, try to put diced baby carrot (it will make your pasta sauce sweeter) or canned button mushroom.
Remember to soak it soften and to bring back the original condition of the mushroom. Sometimes I think we are heading towards Mars life.. where every food is pre dried and just add water to bring it back into edible condition. I'd love if the technology will come up with pre dried boyfriend. Just add water, and your boyfriend is good to go.
Hmm while waiting for your mushroom to soften, lazily smash your garlic and diced your yellow onion. If you eating this alone, just use half of the onion and 3 stalks of the garlics lah.
Set your small pan with 3-4 tablespoon olive oil (remember, olive oil is very good for health. you can even drink it up. So 3-4 or 10 table spoon of it, no problem). Throw your smashed garlic in...and ahhh the aroma. You must be wondering why I keep using word 'throw'.. because I really threw them in in a quite distance. Cuz I scared of the hot sprinkling oil ok.
When the garlic turns brownish, you can continue with yellow onion. By this time, those things sizzles with good aroma which make you feel like "ahhh I am a good cook, whoever marry me is the luckiest bastard"
While waiting for your yellow onion to turn brown, you can check your fettucini already. By this time, it almost el dante. I don't know what el dante means, but it was written in the back of the fettucini packet, so I just follow. It only took 11 minutes to achieve it. Oh, don't forget to put a bit of olive oil and a pinch of salt, it will prevent your pasta stick to each other and add flavor into it.
When everything turns into Chris Brown, brown, it is the mushroom turn to go in.Squeeze excessive water before you fry it. Actually you can put in diced fresh tomatoes at this point of time. Anyway, too bad, Im out of it.
Lastly, put in the tomato pasta sauce in and a pinch of salt to taste. Simmer for 1 minute, tossed dry your fettucini and...
Walla~! get yourself the most pretty plate to serve your pasta out. Pretty fine bone china plates makes food looks tastier. No? Then what the hell they selling those expensive Royale Doulton, Wedgewood, Corningware and Corelle are for??? For some status? Pffttt. anyway, that is the most prettiest plate I have in my kitchen.. hhmmm...
How to call a girl having her lunch in her PJ's? - A PIG. Anyway, I give my cook rating as - 11.5/10. How about that? Im awesome!
The whole process took about 30 minutes. And if you are lazier than me..can't wait and prepare anything longer than 5 minutes.. I suggest this is suit you best. What a lazy pig.
I will come out with another awesome cooking in near future. If this time was Italian, and next time will be Carribean Island cuisine called 'Chicken Pilau'. Heh.. don't underestimate me okay...Thee hee.
~When baking, follow directions. When cooking, follow your own taste~Laiko Bahrs
Tuesday, 16 February 2010
Pre and Post Valentines
Couldn't help it by not talking about it. By having friends globally through facebook, my netlife is kinda interesting.. or lame.
yea, I have issue with it, So?

Bummer. I know.. this one is lame to the max.
Life as adult is suck.
until then..
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Monday, 15 February 2010
Cute TwittButt.
Oh well, Sorry for the misspelling. It's Twitter Buttons.
I don't know, Im not that computer freakass. Maybe you guys already knew about this few years ago, and I finally manage to find it now. I've been wondering how these people got those cutey twitter , with pinkass colorful buttons and now I found it!!! and Im gonna share with you.
Aren't they cute? The have cute buttons for Facebook too. Just go HERE to get yours and pay attention to mine. So DON'T copy the same okay? Hehe.
Im so jealous reading other people entry on how to design web la, how to do floating buttons la, I feel like a complete idiot by sitting in front computer 20 hours daily and yet know nothing about any program/application stuff tau. Very the idiot.
By the way, how to get those RSS cute icon eh? Can anybody guide me? lol. (see? what an idiot..)
I don't know, Im not that computer freakass. Maybe you guys already knew about this few years ago, and I finally manage to find it now. I've been wondering how these people got those cutey twitter , with pinkass colorful buttons and now I found it!!! and Im gonna share with you.
Aren't they cute? The have cute buttons for Facebook too. Just go HERE to get yours and pay attention to mine. So DON'T copy the same okay? Hehe.
Im so jealous reading other people entry on how to design web la, how to do floating buttons la, I feel like a complete idiot by sitting in front computer 20 hours daily and yet know nothing about any program/application stuff tau. Very the idiot.
By the way, how to get those RSS cute icon eh? Can anybody guide me? lol. (see? what an idiot..)
Saturday, 13 February 2010
Guo Nian
Happy Chinese New Year to all friends and strangers. Wouldn't it be cool if you propose or get proposed to/by your loved ones today? Double happiness like double layered prosperity burger gitu. Im thinking to visit my girlfriend's house at Klang (again) this CNY. Miss her mum's homemade almond cookies. Simply the best!
Talk about heart day, well noted that it caused quite a stir in Malaysia about the issue of V-Day (AFundi, worshiping those reality show artist boleh pulak. Sampai kaya si Asmawi Ani and owner of Astro tu). But it shouldn't be so wrong for me to wish to others who still can. Just like wishing u a Merry xmas or Happy Deepavali kan..
So.. to all lovers out there... wishing you Happy Heart Day~!!
What about this new breed of beast Nian in every men then?
Friday, 12 February 2010
Nothing But Ordinary Pt.4
While few parts of world's map are heavily covered by the snows, Washington D.C under attacked by snowmageddon, freezing the city to shut down, we here facing a stormy rain everyday, for almost 2 weeks forcing me to switch off my computer. All I know I would go insane if anything happen to my computer. Right now kinda busy working on online shop soon to be launched somewhere in March, so I really pray that nothing will happen to my baby computer until then.
my apartment's backyard - Look at stormy, windy rain..seram.
Look at how big the rain drops are. I can hear it clearly smashing my window glasses as its is going to break it in no time.
But what I like about being in tropical land is.. there is always a sunshine after a stormy rain. Be it short or long pour, the sun never failed to comfort us in here. *God Bless*
Golden rays shining through the cloudy skies, touch my skins and the ground beneath my feet, telling me everything is going to be okay - for today.
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather"~John Ruskin.
I love to see the reflection of the sunlight at my wall after the rains settled down, it gives me the feel of delicious summer in California. lol. Yep, I am a sun worshipper. Haaaa..
Being in tropical country is a bless! I grabbed packets of D24 durian to complete the joy of warmth skies! Ohlalala!
Unveiling the goodness.. Anyone who stays abroad tu.. maaf la yea.. wipe off that drools please. Hehe.
Here is me with golden 'sunshine' on my table.
Not gonna share it.. not gonna share it.. Just share the picture only can?
my apartment's backyard - Look at stormy, windy rain..seram.
Look at how big the rain drops are. I can hear it clearly smashing my window glasses as its is going to break it in no time.
But what I like about being in tropical land is.. there is always a sunshine after a stormy rain. Be it short or long pour, the sun never failed to comfort us in here. *God Bless*
Golden rays shining through the cloudy skies, touch my skins and the ground beneath my feet, telling me everything is going to be okay - for today.
"Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather"~John Ruskin.
I love to see the reflection of the sunlight at my wall after the rains settled down, it gives me the feel of delicious summer in California. lol. Yep, I am a sun worshipper. Haaaa..
Being in tropical country is a bless! I grabbed packets of D24 durian to complete the joy of warmth skies! Ohlalala!
Unveiling the goodness.. Anyone who stays abroad tu.. maaf la yea.. wipe off that drools please. Hehe.
Here is me with golden 'sunshine' on my table.
Not gonna share it.. not gonna share it.. Just share the picture only can?
By the time you read this post, Im burping my way off in front of my TV with durian flavor in the air. Wtf, sound very stinks tho.
Till then,
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