Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Pre and Post Valentines

Couldn't help it by not talking about it. By having friends globally through facebook, my netlife is kinda interesting.. or lame.


yea, I have issue with it, So?

Bummer. I know.. this one is lame to the max.

Life as adult is suck.

until then..
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  1. owh so sad..being alone doesn't mean you're all alone.. don't worry be happy. eh you're not that old, ok.. hehe awet muda lah :)

  2. @FIT tak sedih la.. boring je.. haha

  3. Salam singgah,

    Singgah dari blog murkister dan terus ke sini :)

    Aha, pre dan post valentines? Memang kelakar, yang bagi ayat2 bunga-bunga tuu memang kelakar..

    Apa2pun Selamat Hari Jumaat dan Selamat Berblogging

  4. @Incik RestNrilekS: Ha ah.. tak tahan betul dgn ayat bunga2 tu.. ingat ini zaman 90'an ke... mana ada girls melts dgn ayat bebunga lagi dahhh. Geli tau.
