Sunday, 28 February 2010

Happy Magical Feet.

Congratulation to my dear friend of 16 years.. for having a new born baby boy for the past few days. Am I his official bitchy God mother already? Haha.

He is so tiny and I was so freaked out, resulting a failure in attempt to carry him. I was like so ready to camwhore with him. Maybe I will come back after 3-4 months until he's really carry-able. lol.

No more lonely night for you I guess. =)


  1. akak..finally i won a camera huhuhu can't wait to receive it..but it's a digital cam only..not DSLR hehe :P

  2. @Kenwooi: heh.
    @FIT: You've won a camera? What contest did you enter... asyik menang kau ni ye.. very lucky.

  3. contest pasal camera je. kena tulis pasal camera..saja nak cuba nasib..then ada rezeki lebih..terima je la..hehe
