Well, Im quite a homey person, I just love to stay in doing nothing (after those clean & wash chores) unless any of my kaki-s calling me out for a cuppa (mostly at White Old Town).
I stay in Shah Alam, but totally have no clue what's happening around it. I only noticed that the road getting worst and they never bother to fix it and it became my problem to do my car's tyre allignment every 2 months in a workshop.
It is kinda odd to find such place in Shah Alam, which is popular with as a city with strong Islamic administration besides a hot spot where endless number of couples especially students below 23 getting caught under "khalwat" charges. LOL. Buat malu mak bapak betul lah.
And I believe this spot is going to be another lair for those girls and boys who misuses their PTPTN and parents money and hope, they manage to master to score the G spot during their 1st semester instead of scoring 4.0. Shameful.
This spot called ICity, located in between Padang Jawa, Shah Alam and Bukit Raja, Klang. But you can see this city clearly from a highway (Shah Alam - Klang - Shah Alam) cuz that was how I discovered this place when I came back from Klang picking up my new glasses from my pet's brother optical shop. Why went so far? I want staff price maaaaa... hehe.
This is very awkward, I just had a conversation with my BFF this afternoon about going to Japan next year September to watch the cherry blossom, and few hours later, here I am..watching a full blossoming electric trees.

Yea.. this one very much resembles my cherry blossom tree in Japan, next year September. Wtf.
The color is very the Christmas.

The color is very the Christmas.

So, I believe this city might outdo Sunway or Bukit Bintang for X'mas street deco cuz, according to the Pak Guard here, they will add few hundreds trees and lighting similar to all of these pictures within this week, all over the city. Wth???

Just imagine if they put a fake snow flakes on these colorful trees...

So, according to him, this is only like ermmm 20% of the completion. Wahhh. So I asked him... "eh, during Hari Raya got put big colorful electric ketupat or not???"
Then he answered me like.. "must be la.. this is Sultan city... he sure put it next time". From his answer I knew he is a new worker. Sure lah.

Eekkk.. and I drove further in, I saw this... big icy look alike building. Actually everything looks 3 times nicer if u were there.. cuz the lights are moving. Like a snow flakes falling down... this remind me of Macau.

Oh lookie, very urbanite Xmas tree. :P

Nice kan? I try to imagine next year Hari Raya or Chinese New Year... will they put Giant Green Ketupat with sticks of satays lighting hanging all over the places? Or Red Giant lantern and that long tailed red mercun le (how to call it le)?

Apparently this city is so new, I saw only a few blocks taken by the POS Malaysia, Concierge, and..and..ah never mind. You can tell it by looking how clean and nice the alley is. Heh.

Ah, speaking of X'mas themed decorations, I already meng "christmas" kan my farm ville~!
Anyway, lately, Zynga / Facebook really make me wanna say a very dirty words starting with a letter "A", "B", "C", "F"... the lagness of the program is worst than sitting on a toilet bowl dealing with constipation.
Ok. Continue cursing some other time.
wahh.. really nicee...
ReplyDeleteshould be a great spot for night photography.
talking about snow, today was like -21 here in moscow. kill me!
perghhhh shot2 picture cam kat oversea siul, if u not mention in dalam negeri conform u amik pic2 tadi kat new york ke san fransisco ke, anyway good angle, nice photography keep it up girl!
ReplyDeletevery very nice photo!
ReplyDeletenice pictures there!
ReplyDeleteyou are into photography, don't you?
@ariff : and that is why all Russians coming to Malaysia, now - for watermelons and sun~!
ReplyDelete@SEO Debt Advice : hey.. thanks~! Still learning on angles and stuff. I just love to take shot with minimum lighting. Mcm syahdu je kan..? hehe
@Chia Wei : Thanks =)
@Dosz : still practicing .. very very hard~!!!