Haha.. this is funny. I found this while Im peeking one of my favorite - past time - blog ~ GutterUncensored. Ehs, Im not lap sap kinda thingy ok? This blog not just talking and displaying naked ass chicks, but also scandalous - believe it - or not - news which you cant find it in local news stand.
Haha.. they made the translation so real and I laughed my ass off. Btw, now gutteruncensored welcoming fans to rename their website / blogsite since their current name sound so explicit and you under 18 need parental advisory to click it in, not to mention attract the authority cum local politicians to block it.
They also launching the making of gala music video of Nazri's son scandalous racy picture with Britney Spears' Womanizer song as a background.
So to you creative awesome guys out there... Happy youtube-ing~!!
P/s - it is a shame knowing some malay politician's kids behaving like this..
Sunday, 29 March 2009
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
What a shitty weekend...1 whole shitty week in fact~!
I onced come acrossed, a web telling about yearly forecast. It says that better for me to avoid travelling around March and April 2009. Or else something bad happen. But I cant resist. I need my 1st quarter year getaway lei...So I bought ticket to Singapore.
Nothing much I can say about my neighbour country. This is my 5th visit, infact. I covered almost 70% of Singapore map in my previous visit. Planning to meet up some friends and my bff even planning to bring me to try Singapore famous Roti Prata with ice cream on top as well as Durian in Geylang (chey..like Malaysia dont have Durian)
The next morning, Hell, suddenly all my body ached and I felt dizzy.
Whatever it is, trip must go on leh.
Reach Sg around 2.30pm. Felt so hungry. So bff brought me to this restaurant inside Vivo City. Wahh looks very fancy. "Breeks". Why not "Break"? Coz the food just broke my heart into 3. What a shitty taste. And is costs quite cheap (in SGD)18.90. But seriously, I refuse to pay this shitty plate if it is in KL. Since Im in other people country...and other people is paying for me.. well...

"Grilled Salmon" - I only love the zucchini. That's it.

His pasta - Dont want to describe it lah. Later you all vomit.
At night the sickness kicking in. I cant even move. Say bye bye to DragonBall movie. Dont mention St. James night club lah. I suspect I got high fever. My body shaking, even "dangdut" dancer also cant beat it I guess. All my plans to meet up with my Singaporean buddy turn into shitty.
2nd day - Shitty Sick - Try to eat my favorite Sakae Sushi Salmon belly. And suddenly my favorite dish turns into shitty taste. Almost vomit.
Nevertheless, this cubicle really interest me.

M.A.C goes Hello Kitty at Vivo City.

3rd day - ok in the morning. Only God knows how many bottles of Ribena's I've drank (Vitamin C ma..) decided to stroll along the street, sipping the fresh air (which Singapore is always famous for...)

"Kampung Baru Rd" - no car at all.. and yet I cant simply cross the road leh like in KL...very tempted to cross it like siao. But, I dont bring enough cash to pay the saman ler.

then went to Sentosa with unhappy heart. It was raining all day long and - I fell sick again. This time, even worst.

Nothing much I can say about my neighbour country. This is my 5th visit, infact. I covered almost 70% of Singapore map in my previous visit. Planning to meet up some friends and my bff even planning to bring me to try Singapore famous Roti Prata with ice cream on top as well as Durian in Geylang (chey..like Malaysia dont have Durian)
The next morning, Hell, suddenly all my body ached and I felt dizzy.
Whatever it is, trip must go on leh.
Reach Sg around 2.30pm. Felt so hungry. So bff brought me to this restaurant inside Vivo City. Wahh looks very fancy. "Breeks". Why not "Break"? Coz the food just broke my heart into 3. What a shitty taste. And is costs quite cheap (in SGD)18.90. But seriously, I refuse to pay this shitty plate if it is in KL. Since Im in other people country...and other people is paying for me.. well...

"Grilled Salmon" - I only love the zucchini. That's it.

His pasta - Dont want to describe it lah. Later you all vomit.
At night the sickness kicking in. I cant even move. Say bye bye to DragonBall movie. Dont mention St. James night club lah. I suspect I got high fever. My body shaking, even "dangdut" dancer also cant beat it I guess. All my plans to meet up with my Singaporean buddy turn into shitty.
2nd day - Shitty Sick - Try to eat my favorite Sakae Sushi Salmon belly. And suddenly my favorite dish turns into shitty taste. Almost vomit.
Nevertheless, this cubicle really interest me.
M.A.C goes Hello Kitty at Vivo City.
3rd day - ok in the morning. Only God knows how many bottles of Ribena's I've drank (Vitamin C ma..) decided to stroll along the street, sipping the fresh air (which Singapore is always famous for...)
"Kampung Baru Rd" - no car at all.. and yet I cant simply cross the road leh like in KL...very tempted to cross it like siao. But, I dont bring enough cash to pay the saman ler.
then went to Sentosa with unhappy heart. It was raining all day long and - I fell sick again. This time, even worst.
Well, If u asking my opinion, a person who has been to the real beach in East coast Malaysia, this is very sad view.
But then, I keep remind myself like this - "hey, it is true that this is manmade beach. But this is waaaayyyy better than what we have in Port Dickson OK?"
This is not a bad pose at all for a person who badly sick ler...
My feet so tired walking, I end up bought this Sentosa rubber sandal. Since everything in Sg seems like overpriced, I consider this rubber sandal as a souvenier for me to bring home...(SGD 7.90)
Stop by at one of the decent beach cafe at Palawan Beach, called "Bora-Bora"
And tried this. My advise - DONT.
Errmss...If you ask me.. ermm if compare to KLCC Aquaria..yep, here in KL better and cheaper. So far, I only love "Song of the Sea" show in Sentosa. The rest... wasting my time. Ok la, the local girls in Bikini is a worthy must- see in Sentosa.
It's time to see Paris Hilton in action.
Not so cute leh... Dugong even cuter than pink Dolphin.
Sunset at Palawan beach..
and here are some disturbing image of weird fish...I keep on thinking.. what happen if this fish go into your butt and live inside your tummy. Eeeekkkkk. What a disturbing thought.
4th day - cant take it anymore. Bought new ticket to KL. Original was 6.30pm but I buy another one at 2.30pm. It was a hell, excruciating journey I ever had in my entire life. Reach KL around 7.30pm, straight drove back to my hometown. I need to see my mama~!!!!
Next morning... here I am....
Next morning... here I am....
Then I found out... I got dengue fever.. haih. Warded for 4 days ler...then again.. shitty food, shitty nurses. I cant sleep at all. They took my blood every 4 hours, my blood pressure and temperature every 2 hours plus I have to go to urinate every 5 minutes....My both arms being poked with needles, and it seems like endless one... I thot Im going to die since my blood platelet (dont know I got spell it right or not) drop as low as 29k (normal is 450k).
The worst part was, they let the trainees to take out the tube so that I can go for shower. Hell, we had a blood sprinkler party everytime then. I wanted to transfer to private hospital, but it's too late. They wont let me go.
I drank alot of water so that I can get out from there as soon as possible. To me, their treatment even more frightening than dengue virus itself...
Friends and buddies keep sms-ing 1001 suggestion so that I can get the hell out from there. Among of all suggestion, I took crab soup and taking neems tablet one.
Yes, finally Im out of that manmade hell. After so long, I found myself this spot, I sat down and continue appreciate life even more.
"Untouchable silent" - Secret location somewhere in Tg Malim, Perak.
To Belle, Freddy, Winnie and the rest, Im teribbly sorry coz unable to meet you up guys.. sob.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
You see Petronas Twin Tower - even when you sleep.

t's a work call again...a very last minute work call.
In fact, he informed me 4 hours before.
My boss forgot to update me on Mandarin Oriental invitation for dinner and room preview for M.O latest room category, I end up walked around the most prestigious hotel in KL, feeling ugly.
The occassion - sneak peek at M.O latest room category - Club Premium City View. "City" here means "The Twin Tower".
This was taken by my handphone only, NO ZOOMING effect.
I bet there is no other window in KL can see the twin tower upclose and personal as this.
Actual view from room's window, no zooming effect, again.
"Night View" - Picture courtesy of M.O official website.
Club Premium City View
These high level rooms look out on one of the most breathtaking sights on earth – the Petronas Twin Towers. Whether by day, or at night when ablaze with a thousand lights, it’s an unforgettable backdrop. And against it you can enjoy the luxury of your superbly appointed room, which comes with access to the exclusive Mandarin Oriental Club Lounge. Choice of smoking or non-smoking, and King size or Twin beds.
Approximately 40 square meters/430 square feet. ~Sources - M.O
These high level rooms look out on one of the most breathtaking sights on earth – the Petronas Twin Towers. Whether by day, or at night when ablaze with a thousand lights, it’s an unforgettable backdrop. And against it you can enjoy the luxury of your superbly appointed room, which comes with access to the exclusive Mandarin Oriental Club Lounge. Choice of smoking or non-smoking, and King size or Twin beds.
Approximately 40 square meters/430 square feet. ~Sources - M.O
After peeking here and there (new opened fine dining midnight seafood restaurant, Pacifica - aquarium walled restaurant, and latest chic lounge club bar, Sultan - curtained a-la Arabian Night with coiled snake sofa), here we are... nyum.. nyumm

Right at the entrance, you can see professional chefs preparing their professional food as in LPH professional menu..This type of kitchen very good ler, you really really can be sure that the cook didnt dig his nose while preparing your food.

Simple table setting, black and white theme. We were discussing about the tea cup holder made by pewter. PPfftt..

Stewed superior Shark Fin' s with crab claw in abalone broth Oppss, this is 2nd course meal already. The 1st one is fried eggplant with chicken floss.

3rd plate - Deep-fried crispy eel coated with honey sauce and roasted sesame seeds Deep-fried crispy aromatic duck

4th Plate - Lai Po Heen Signature meal : Rosemary Stir fried beef tenderloin with black pepper, Fried rice, prawn with shrimp roe, and some .. err.. veggie?

Wrapped up with super tasty durian flavoured ice cream in tomato puree.. wahh.. i also dont know that tomato puree taste so good with ice cream.
Thanks to Ms. Lai Fong for inviting us, some of the guys suggested to her "make this as our monthly meeting up thingy" LOL.
You should try their dim sum tho. Pretty and Superb.
End of the day, I drove home feeling ugly, and fat.
Saturday, 7 March 2009
Malaysian Dream Girls 2? I go sleep and dream better.
The girls are fine. Really.
I was so boring since my favorite website, CrunchyRoll went dead. Most of the movie taken off due to the infringement of the publication, movie licence smth like that. So I wandering around what to watch, wanna watch pirate DVD on latest movie also cannot, nobody sell it already. Wanna go out watch movie, tired le - need to drive out, find parking (hate the most) and cost me 5 times more than price of the tix (pop corn la, large cup of pepsi la, after movie drop by at mamak for coffee and fried mee la). Then I logged into nuffnang, hands itchy, click Malaysian Dream girls 2.
I was like " wahh.. this must be like ANTM (American Next Top Model) wor.. sure interesting." Coz I can stay up whole night just to finish whole episode of every cycle.
Guess what? 1 minute, 1st yawn... another 30 seconds.. 2nd yawn...then 1 minutes later I have to press small x red box on top right corner of the window...crawled to my bed, get my own dream.
No.. the girls are fine.. really. I got nothing to comment on the girls lah. Every of them has their own beauty in different aspect ler. The judges and the way Elaine Daly host it make me goes ZZzZZzzzzzZZZzz...
Or maybe the props? little square rooms.. no background music..come on ler.. be funky and edgy a bit leh. Of course Elaine Daly cant do it like Tyra Banks and the rest cant be like Mrs. Jay, Nigel Barker & Polina Porizkova but please try to make the show more "alive" ler.
Ya..very entertaining isn't? Body language, face expression, See the judges share their experience in back in their time. I believe Elaine got handful of modelling experience doesn't she? Share lah.
Even the test walkin with the high heels are very interesting, rather than " ok, show me your catwalk, I wanna see" Pppfftt..
Seriously, I dont even know this kind of program exist in here even I surf Internet almost 10 hours a day until I joined nuffnang. Or this program only for nuffnang community? Aiyoo dont tell me MDG wanna be different from other reality show. Coz the whole concept and idea 200% the same, finding model, various photo shoot, winner will get hefty reward and be famous. That's it.
And what is reality show without bitch judges?
(Oppss.. love him too much, he's nothing to do with modelling business ler.)
and bitches in a bitch (cat) fight?
Awww come on.. dont hide all those dramas. Reality full of dramas and drama shows in reality. It's a competition between girls anyway.
Btw I found new site to watch online movies already~!! Thanks to Xcirca for telling me. You make my day (and day ahead). Just finished watching "Bride War" right before this post and now streaming for "Confession of A Shopaholic"~!!!
I was so boring since my favorite website, CrunchyRoll went dead. Most of the movie taken off due to the infringement of the publication, movie licence smth like that. So I wandering around what to watch, wanna watch pirate DVD on latest movie also cannot, nobody sell it already. Wanna go out watch movie, tired le - need to drive out, find parking (hate the most) and cost me 5 times more than price of the tix (pop corn la, large cup of pepsi la, after movie drop by at mamak for coffee and fried mee la). Then I logged into nuffnang, hands itchy, click Malaysian Dream girls 2.
I was like " wahh.. this must be like ANTM (American Next Top Model) wor.. sure interesting." Coz I can stay up whole night just to finish whole episode of every cycle.
Guess what? 1 minute, 1st yawn... another 30 seconds.. 2nd yawn...then 1 minutes later I have to press small x red box on top right corner of the window...crawled to my bed, get my own dream.
No.. the girls are fine.. really. I got nothing to comment on the girls lah. Every of them has their own beauty in different aspect ler. The judges and the way Elaine Daly host it make me goes ZZzZZzzzzzZZZzz...
Or maybe the props? little square rooms.. no background music..come on ler.. be funky and edgy a bit leh. Of course Elaine Daly cant do it like Tyra Banks and the rest cant be like Mrs. Jay, Nigel Barker & Polina Porizkova but please try to make the show more "alive" ler.
Ya..very entertaining isn't? Body language, face expression, See the judges share their experience in back in their time. I believe Elaine got handful of modelling experience doesn't she? Share lah.
Even the test walkin with the high heels are very interesting, rather than " ok, show me your catwalk, I wanna see" Pppfftt..
Seriously, I dont even know this kind of program exist in here even I surf Internet almost 10 hours a day until I joined nuffnang. Or this program only for nuffnang community? Aiyoo dont tell me MDG wanna be different from other reality show. Coz the whole concept and idea 200% the same, finding model, various photo shoot, winner will get hefty reward and be famous. That's it.
And what is reality show without bitch judges?
(Oppss.. love him too much, he's nothing to do with modelling business ler.)
and bitches in a bitch (cat) fight?
Awww come on.. dont hide all those dramas. Reality full of dramas and drama shows in reality. It's a competition between girls anyway.
Btw I found new site to watch online movies already~!! Thanks to Xcirca for telling me. You make my day (and day ahead). Just finished watching "Bride War" right before this post and now streaming for "Confession of A Shopaholic"~!!!
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
What would u do with 1 Million bucks....
It wasnt me undergo the job interview. It was me who did the interview. Errr confused already.
After months of discussion between my 2 bosses, they finally agree it is about time for me to have an assistant. To me, I supposed to have it long time ago, seriously frankly~!
I am a professional juggler since now and then, with my invisible pogo stick, I did it very well juggle from accounting to reservations to general to admin to personal to none of my scope of work everyday 10am - 7pm.. and till 10pm when comes to peak season. Maybe I did it very well until my boss look at me like " well, I think she still dont have enough work to do lah, if not, how come she able to maintain her work station very tidy and still have time to laugh at other workers' lame joke?"
Point #1 - Do not clear up your work station / table even you got nothing to do. Just put as much as files and folder on your table, few scratch papers with numbers and calculation. To add more character to your working props, put unfinished food, sandwich, chicken wings or half bone fish on top of it. That can give an authentic picture which you dont even have time to finish your meal. When you co-workers do jokes - ignore them or toss them out from their chair, get the chair up, whack them down and say~ IM BUSY.
Inside the meeting he repetitively tells, every time he assigned job, task(s) and inquiry(ies) to me, no worries in his mind, only safe and relieved. Because he knew I will get back to him with full, satisfying answer and report within 5 - 15 minutes. Not half day, not tomorrow, not until he need to remind me "where is the thing I ask you to get for me last week?". He does not know how annoying he is and how he interrupt what so ever things Im working on (for his company too, not my personal stuff) and yet he treated me like Im the one who able to understand what he wants. And the rest of other staff is chicken, cow, rat and scarecrow. Is he bullying me or what?
Point #2 - Slow down your productivity lor. Act you now tend to forget many things. And if you dont want this to be appeared so obvious, well, still you can get back to him very fast one with what he inquire, but this time - half, not full complete report ler. He sure wants the other half info, then you say ok, slowly crawl back to your place, take your time and pretend kinda busy and submit to him few hours later. I bet after few weeks your boss fed up with you already and train his chicken, cow, rat and scarecrow to be more productive and effective since you now slowly turned into an old pig.
You know right.. a lot of bosses like to ask your opinion and ideas for new project or just plain suggestion... but BEWARE, that could be additional work load for you ok?
Point # 3 - here
Ok lah, if i wanted to list down all the "Hard worker - to - Cool worker" for dummies in here, I think it will be endless and Im afraid that I will get Domestic Inquiry for this since Im promoting towards low value, ineffective and slow production personnel in here.
Lets get back to the recruiting session. We have 1 resume, 1 application since it's under my 2nd boss recommendation. The girl is a friend, classmates of his younger sister. Ok lah, I dont bother about that as long as she can pick up the phone and sending and replying emails, prepare monthly report and clear up rubbish routine that kills me.
While preparing few questions, suddenly I remember I havent gone through the girl's personal details, her photo either. Hurmm wonder how she looks like ey.. I heard she's pretty. I rushed to my boss room and ask for the girl resume and ~ walla~!! She's 150% prettier than I expected. Her name already describe everything about her...what a pretty name...She reminds me of NorAzlina Redzuan, former Majalah 3 presenter wey.. but younger. Jealous? Nahh.. but only 1 tough problem lor...
-"Geez, how am I going to scold her if she screw up my work.. she's so pretty..." - my office mates look at me smiling and said " I knew it.. you always weak towards pretty girls.. I wonder why are you not lesbians..you weird"
Planned to give her 10 interview question, now I only able to prepare 6 for her. And as far as I remember, out of 6, I drop another 1 because I cant stand to see how struggled she is to express herself with her sweet smile and laugh and her big eyes... to all my simple question as simple as "Tell us about yourself..." and "tell us your biggest weakness and strengths"...
Cant blame her tho, she is 22, fresh graduate and being interviewed by 3 of us at the same time in the same small room. Even my ang moh director pretend looking at his lappy and continue his work but my other director keep staring at her.. maybe he wanted to see what's behind this pretty face, is she capable and worth to hire for or he just imagine what's underneath her tight pant and top (1 of her shirt button, unbuttoned right above her belly button :p which I can see clearly her beige bustier.. ouch, kinda tight perhaps).. yea she is sexy blond young gal. She graduated in Mass-Communication but for 1 hour I only heard Mess-Communication ler...She said she loves doing PR and marketing... but Im not sure we still can do that with beautiful smiles and starry eyes nowadays...
After enough struggle with mine and my 2nd boss lame stupid question " are you drinking?" (I dont know that can be seriously a-must job interview question you can ask? or maybe he finished imagine what's underneath her cloth and now imagine to drunk her, ppfftttz) now come the tricky but fun question from my ang-moh boss.
"Let say Im in a good mood now and since you such a nice person, I decided to give you 1 million bucks right now. Tell me what are you going to do with it."
I wish he gave me that question and my mouth so jumpy and itchy want to answer that~!!!! I remember I had to bite my tongue to make sure I wont spill even 1 word out from my itchy mouth. Darn la my boss. Last time interview me never ask me leh.
Haih.. still, she had very difficult time to answer it beside " wow... wow... 1 mil..what am i going to do with it...." The clock ticking...and im biting my tongue.. after 3 minutes of uuhmmm eerrrr... then finally she came out with : 500k - open petrol station, 100k each to mama & papa 300k savings.
Oh my.
Not enough with that, he went on with, "10k bucks, what are you going to do with it, now"
Haih....this time, waiting for her answer makes me wanna walk out to the park nearby and watch birds fly lah. 10k buck lah. Why so hard to answer it. Deposit into something or if you really dumb just buy that bloody LV bag ok? (oh, I notice she carry LV Monogram NeverFull Bag tho, so just use that 10k to buy vernis, epi, multicolor or whatever limited edition small, size one lah)
That was the last question for the day and even before the session done I already knew the result ler. Once she stepped out from the office, both of them look at me and "so what do you think? We want to know your opinion since she's going to be under your wing"
Tell me guys.. how am I going to answer them since, the ang moh one didnt favor her at all, my 2nd boss says it can be trained and shaped into something....The ang moh says can call for other candidates for interviews and the other one says "no, why must delay things already has been delayed for a long time?" Argghhh.
as for me...hurmm I really wanted to get rid of my invisible pogo stick.. tired already jumping with that leh... but at the same time...she also doesnt even know how to use Excel....
It wasnt me undergo the job interview. It was me who did the interview. Errr confused already.
After months of discussion between my 2 bosses, they finally agree it is about time for me to have an assistant. To me, I supposed to have it long time ago, seriously frankly~!
I am a professional juggler since now and then, with my invisible pogo stick, I did it very well juggle from accounting to reservations to general to admin to personal to none of my scope of work everyday 10am - 7pm.. and till 10pm when comes to peak season. Maybe I did it very well until my boss look at me like " well, I think she still dont have enough work to do lah, if not, how come she able to maintain her work station very tidy and still have time to laugh at other workers' lame joke?"
Point #1 - Do not clear up your work station / table even you got nothing to do. Just put as much as files and folder on your table, few scratch papers with numbers and calculation. To add more character to your working props, put unfinished food, sandwich, chicken wings or half bone fish on top of it. That can give an authentic picture which you dont even have time to finish your meal. When you co-workers do jokes - ignore them or toss them out from their chair, get the chair up, whack them down and say~ IM BUSY.
Inside the meeting he repetitively tells, every time he assigned job, task(s) and inquiry(ies) to me, no worries in his mind, only safe and relieved. Because he knew I will get back to him with full, satisfying answer and report within 5 - 15 minutes. Not half day, not tomorrow, not until he need to remind me "where is the thing I ask you to get for me last week?". He does not know how annoying he is and how he interrupt what so ever things Im working on (for his company too, not my personal stuff) and yet he treated me like Im the one who able to understand what he wants. And the rest of other staff is chicken, cow, rat and scarecrow. Is he bullying me or what?
Point #2 - Slow down your productivity lor. Act you now tend to forget many things. And if you dont want this to be appeared so obvious, well, still you can get back to him very fast one with what he inquire, but this time - half, not full complete report ler. He sure wants the other half info, then you say ok, slowly crawl back to your place, take your time and pretend kinda busy and submit to him few hours later. I bet after few weeks your boss fed up with you already and train his chicken, cow, rat and scarecrow to be more productive and effective since you now slowly turned into an old pig.
You know right.. a lot of bosses like to ask your opinion and ideas for new project or just plain suggestion... but BEWARE, that could be additional work load for you ok?
Point # 3 - here
Ok lah, if i wanted to list down all the "Hard worker - to - Cool worker" for dummies in here, I think it will be endless and Im afraid that I will get Domestic Inquiry for this since Im promoting towards low value, ineffective and slow production personnel in here.
Lets get back to the recruiting session. We have 1 resume, 1 application since it's under my 2nd boss recommendation. The girl is a friend, classmates of his younger sister. Ok lah, I dont bother about that as long as she can pick up the phone and sending and replying emails, prepare monthly report and clear up rubbish routine that kills me.
While preparing few questions, suddenly I remember I havent gone through the girl's personal details, her photo either. Hurmm wonder how she looks like ey.. I heard she's pretty. I rushed to my boss room and ask for the girl resume and ~ walla~!! She's 150% prettier than I expected. Her name already describe everything about her...what a pretty name...She reminds me of NorAzlina Redzuan, former Majalah 3 presenter wey.. but younger. Jealous? Nahh.. but only 1 tough problem lor...
-"Geez, how am I going to scold her if she screw up my work.. she's so pretty..." - my office mates look at me smiling and said " I knew it.. you always weak towards pretty girls.. I wonder why are you not lesbians..you weird"
Planned to give her 10 interview question, now I only able to prepare 6 for her. And as far as I remember, out of 6, I drop another 1 because I cant stand to see how struggled she is to express herself with her sweet smile and laugh and her big eyes... to all my simple question as simple as "Tell us about yourself..." and "tell us your biggest weakness and strengths"...
Cant blame her tho, she is 22, fresh graduate and being interviewed by 3 of us at the same time in the same small room. Even my ang moh director pretend looking at his lappy and continue his work but my other director keep staring at her.. maybe he wanted to see what's behind this pretty face, is she capable and worth to hire for or he just imagine what's underneath her tight pant and top (1 of her shirt button, unbuttoned right above her belly button :p which I can see clearly her beige bustier.. ouch, kinda tight perhaps).. yea she is sexy blond young gal. She graduated in Mass-Communication but for 1 hour I only heard Mess-Communication ler...She said she loves doing PR and marketing... but Im not sure we still can do that with beautiful smiles and starry eyes nowadays...
After enough struggle with mine and my 2nd boss lame stupid question " are you drinking?" (I dont know that can be seriously a-must job interview question you can ask? or maybe he finished imagine what's underneath her cloth and now imagine to drunk her, ppfftttz) now come the tricky but fun question from my ang-moh boss.
"Let say Im in a good mood now and since you such a nice person, I decided to give you 1 million bucks right now. Tell me what are you going to do with it."
I wish he gave me that question and my mouth so jumpy and itchy want to answer that~!!!! I remember I had to bite my tongue to make sure I wont spill even 1 word out from my itchy mouth. Darn la my boss. Last time interview me never ask me leh.
Haih.. still, she had very difficult time to answer it beside " wow... wow... 1 mil..what am i going to do with it...." The clock ticking...and im biting my tongue.. after 3 minutes of uuhmmm eerrrr... then finally she came out with : 500k - open petrol station, 100k each to mama & papa 300k savings.
Oh my.
Not enough with that, he went on with, "10k bucks, what are you going to do with it, now"
Haih....this time, waiting for her answer makes me wanna walk out to the park nearby and watch birds fly lah. 10k buck lah. Why so hard to answer it. Deposit into something or if you really dumb just buy that bloody LV bag ok? (oh, I notice she carry LV Monogram NeverFull Bag tho, so just use that 10k to buy vernis, epi, multicolor or whatever limited edition small, size one lah)
That was the last question for the day and even before the session done I already knew the result ler. Once she stepped out from the office, both of them look at me and "so what do you think? We want to know your opinion since she's going to be under your wing"
Tell me guys.. how am I going to answer them since, the ang moh one didnt favor her at all, my 2nd boss says it can be trained and shaped into something....The ang moh says can call for other candidates for interviews and the other one says "no, why must delay things already has been delayed for a long time?" Argghhh.
as for me...hurmm I really wanted to get rid of my invisible pogo stick.. tired already jumping with that leh... but at the same time...she also doesnt even know how to use Excel....
Big cat err fish head got a hole...
Apologize to my fellow singaporean friends in advance. hehe..

The news of Merlion head kena struck by the lightning became hottest headlines in Sg (and world, maybe?) and Im wondering what the big fuss is all about? If you go back to the basic rule of science, it is normal for the thunder bolt struck - wherever the conductor is, the trees, building and sometimes onto people. Why cant Merlion head?
When I got sms from Sg "to let you know, our Merlion struck by lightning and it got hole - keke" I quickly replied " Now I got the answer for the Merlion Sex status already. It's a FEMALE Merlion~!!" - Then I came to know it's the head not the tummy nor the tail. No fun lah.
Then 1001 talks, predictions, calculations spread over, from Feng Shui point of view, Political point of view, ah ma and ah pek point of view over the coffee bench BUT to me, it was just natural phenomenon, some scientist view it as most beautiful displays in nature (yea deadly gorgeous) and it happens everyday. Sunway Lagoon's tallest cowboy statue kena struck many many times already ler and we dont give a damn about it. Whole building at my office , lost powers for 1 whole fucking day, no air-cond, no phone line and worst, no internet connection coz of lightning bolt (hurray, no works). Here also had a very serious, bigger issue which was, whole country out of electricity and yet no one get fired.So?
Chatters and forumers buzzing about "bad omen" signs, and what shocked me the most was ermm.. this incident created quite a stir among ministers ler.. (wahhhh.. this is just lightning bolt case.. I dont know if 1 of the Malaysian missile mistakenly launched and landed 60 degree radius far out from Singapore water district ler... I think I will migrate to Zimbabwe.
Minister of Home Affairs sending the note asking whether he will lose his job over this case ler..the great Mr. Minister Mentor.. blame it on "Ang Moh" conspiracy (oh my...) and not to mention how the Minister of Community Development, youth & sport comparing human being to a life-less statue which, of course, whatever activities is generated from electric power "after being struck, it keep spewing water, take Merlion as a role model. No matter what, your skull is missing, keep continue working" (oh my myyyyy..sound worst then black men slavery history lehh) did he ever heard of an MC? No? maybe his skull already had a chip planted inside and he is actually an android in human suit? and oh... they even went into detail discussing about the zig - zag pattern of the famous bolt with PAP Party's lightning bolt and straight claimed the answer lies it it. Errr.. like the lightning bolt suppose comes in various shape eh? Heart shaped...round shaped...curly shaped...
What I knew is that, that poor Merlion is 1 out of 5. What happen if 2? 3? Armageddon already.
Yes. Deeply apology for this. I know.. Merlion statue is the biggest, precious, holy and sacred item in Sg.. but ermmm no matter how you arrange it to ensure the smoothness of chi chow flow.. well, must remember ler...weather all around the world now is changing ler. Dont be surprised if next year there will be snow in around there ok...this thing became unpredictable now. Even what a girl needs nowdays are easier to predict. But not the weather. Not where the thunder bolt suppose to strike next precisely.
Still, planning to visit Sg again next week. Visiting someone very "precious" to me over there. Hehe.
Conclusion, only 1 word I able to say to the grand grievances airing in Sg - Chill.

Merlion latest look. Looks like a new hair-do to me.
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