The news of Merlion head kena struck by the lightning became hottest headlines in Sg (and world, maybe?) and Im wondering what the big fuss is all about? If you go back to the basic rule of science, it is normal for the thunder bolt struck - wherever the conductor is, the trees, building and sometimes onto people. Why cant Merlion head?
When I got sms from Sg "to let you know, our Merlion struck by lightning and it got hole - keke" I quickly replied " Now I got the answer for the Merlion Sex status already. It's a FEMALE Merlion~!!" - Then I came to know it's the head not the tummy nor the tail. No fun lah.
Then 1001 talks, predictions, calculations spread over, from Feng Shui point of view, Political point of view, ah ma and ah pek point of view over the coffee bench BUT to me, it was just natural phenomenon, some scientist view it as most beautiful displays in nature (yea deadly gorgeous) and it happens everyday. Sunway Lagoon's tallest cowboy statue kena struck many many times already ler and we dont give a damn about it. Whole building at my office , lost powers for 1 whole fucking day, no air-cond, no phone line and worst, no internet connection coz of lightning bolt (hurray, no works). Here also had a very serious, bigger issue which was, whole country out of electricity and yet no one get fired.So?
Chatters and forumers buzzing about "bad omen" signs, and what shocked me the most was ermm.. this incident created quite a stir among ministers ler.. (wahhhh.. this is just lightning bolt case.. I dont know if 1 of the Malaysian missile mistakenly launched and landed 60 degree radius far out from Singapore water district ler... I think I will migrate to Zimbabwe.
Minister of Home Affairs sending the note asking whether he will lose his job over this case ler..the great Mr. Minister Mentor.. blame it on "Ang Moh" conspiracy (oh my...) and not to mention how the Minister of Community Development, youth & sport comparing human being to a life-less statue which, of course, whatever activities is generated from electric power "after being struck, it keep spewing water, take Merlion as a role model. No matter what, your skull is missing, keep continue working" (oh my myyyyy..sound worst then black men slavery history lehh) did he ever heard of an MC? No? maybe his skull already had a chip planted inside and he is actually an android in human suit? and oh... they even went into detail discussing about the zig - zag pattern of the famous bolt with PAP Party's lightning bolt and straight claimed the answer lies it it. Errr.. like the lightning bolt suppose comes in various shape eh? Heart shaped...round shaped...curly shaped...
What I knew is that, that poor Merlion is 1 out of 5. What happen if 2? 3? Armageddon already.
Yes. Deeply apology for this. I know.. Merlion statue is the biggest, precious, holy and sacred item in Sg.. but ermmm no matter how you arrange it to ensure the smoothness of chi chow flow.. well, must remember all around the world now is changing ler. Dont be surprised if next year there will be snow in around there ok...this thing became unpredictable now. Even what a girl needs nowdays are easier to predict. But not the weather. Not where the thunder bolt suppose to strike next precisely.
Still, planning to visit Sg again next week. Visiting someone very "precious" to me over there. Hehe.
Conclusion, only 1 word I able to say to the grand grievances airing in Sg - Chill.

Merlion latest look. Looks like a new hair-do to me.
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