Being on social network is seriously fun. It is not something serious, but it is fun. But there are some people took it very seriously and forget the fun part of it. Especially when they think they could possibly find their soul mate in social network website. AND there are some part of people use social network website as a portal to gain followers, like they are some kind of leader, celebrity or something. Hoping to get as many as “like” button clicked on every status updated. In the hope of becoming the most favorite person on the planet with their words & deep thoughts. Pathetic. Ok, skip that.
and as for me, the fun part is always there. But I happened to encounter some interesting opinion & belief on certain issue in my inbox. So, yea. Besides being single and busy contemplating life as well as figuring that world is going to end next year December 20th, 2012, I do have secret time to spare, observe and smile about. I also agree that being a female on social network website has its own perks & joy compare to a male? If it wasn’t, why there are so many fake account with female hotties floating around? I guess being a female is always easy to get accepted. And once accepted, they starting to ask some hot steamy questions like what kind of men I fantasize and how do I prefer in bed. I mean, come on…I never been a lesbian or intended to be one. But I think I know, those questions are certainly not from them (lesbians).
There are few guys do came up with decent query about how I think about men in general. I love the topic so I elaborate. It was so happened that the one who asked is a Malay guy. So, I gave him my 2 cents and this is what he replied;

I cant comment much since it was came from ‘unspoiled’ mind like him. But then I told him whatever he wrote about men and alcohol plus taking Asian woman as cheap as dirt, it does happened in Asia, Malaysia, among Malays and Muslims too. It’s not about the skin color or map, it is about human attitude & behavior as general, not genetically. How bad or good a human is, it is not depending on what religion they are in. Religion is just a religion, a label, if you believe in it but didn’t practice it. That’s it. It’s like you believe that you can fly. But if you didn’t do something or work on how to fly, will you fly once you jump off the cliff? And the skin – God created different color of skin because colors are beautiful. He didn’t create colors so that we can judge. People wont come out with beautiful poem & songs about rainbow if it is only 1 color.
So, he replied again;

I rest my case. My brain unable to digest the whole thing because I started to get confuse with his opinion and/or self boasting on his capabilities of million dollars investments while spelling text instead of TAX. Money & Tax are inseparable. You can spell TAX even while you are asleep. Money always comes with tax and Tax is always about money. If he is dealing with millions of it, how could he misspelled it?
Next, I brought the same discussion with a Non Malay guy. I strongly believe that he’s a Non Malay because he apologized beforehand when he starting to talk about Malay. It happened that we had nothing much to argue about but this is what he wrote in his last reply;

I never said that I agreed with him or not. But embarrassed, yes for sure.
I got various reply on this issue, but most of it were in Malay language and NEGATIVE. Im too lazy to translate plus, I don’t want to put the level of my embarrassment down to the level of…no level I able to label.
I also happened to highlight this issue and talks about it with a white guy. I’m just trying to be fair and trying to listen from both or many sides of story. Well, I love to listen to a lot of stories as much as I write

in addition to that, he also wrote to me something which I think I can conclude it all
“They don't seem to realize that people have a whole life away from them. I still don't get where the Asian escort thing comes from. I've never thought of Asian girls like that. I've seen some Asian girls do that, but I've also seen white girls and black girls do that, too. That does not make me think every girl does that.”
I know that my investigation is not totally complete. I still haven’t ask the same question to the black guys, middle eastern and those people who lives in north pole and south pole. But, what I can say to cynical peoples outside there (regardless what is their skin color and religion) for now is;
…and I will come up with another investigation in near future. Hehe.
as per Sherry Vine: It takes one to know another whore. Ha!
nicely written there... (elaborated to be exact) :) hence, i agree with ur last statement... "Jauhari lah yang mengenal manikam"
ReplyDeletecheers...! :)
What about you? Which opinion are you with? :P