**Short note: to my readers who recently commented that they got confused with the picture descriptions - The descriptions are placed right below every picture.
we woke up with the freshest Port Campbell Foreshore breeze ever, putting out chutzpah looks even after some unpleasant incident night at Port Campbell. Well, we can’t blame those indigenous people of Port Campbell who most probably seen the world within 15km radius from their town. I think the government of Australia, or Victoria or what so ever MUST urgently EDUCATE these people about other races, culture and people who co-exist with them outside Port Campbell or Australia. Especially about ASIANS:
1) Not all Asian girls are prostitute.
2) Asian girls can afford to travel without the help of white men's money
3) Asian girls are educated and we do have professional job and pay taxes
4) We Asian are so marvelous – we travel to your country and other part of the world for fun, not just sitting at local bars drinking cheap beers embarrassing your race, town and country
5) And if any of your family member married to an Asian – that is because they realized that we are awesome in everything
6) Not all Asian girls drool over white men’s cock.
Ah, anyway we were happy to wake up to such big plate of brunch which could feed 3 of us times 2..
Look at the price.. and times 3. But with the size of the plate, we were very much contented to pay.
This is mine – healthy as ever :P . Mounted scramble egg on a big toast and smoked salmon!!!!
This is Harry’s and Nina’s – half kilo rib eye steak (in the morning??) with grilled tomatoes and egg.
and coffee galore continues. I loved the coffee here.. because they use soy milk in it. I was kinda addicted with its creamy – not so sweet taste through out my trip in Melbourne.
and more coffee. Haaaa…
There are a lot of decent motel along the coast lines. These were built for Great Ocean Road visitors like us. Because it is impossible to finish your Great Ocean trip in 1 day… in fact, not in 02 days either. Too bad, kitaorg tinggal sini pun 01 night saja.. bnyk yg miss.
When I said decent.. meaning betul2 proper lah.. cuz in Malaysia.. kalau dengar ‘Motel’ tak sanggup rasanya nak bermalam.. sleep at masjid lagi better. We booked 02 bedroom apartment.. dah mcm villa rupanya.
This is the facade of our apartment unit. Nice sangat..
With our own thick green lawn for me to practice my jump shot over & over again.
Ni..kalau nampak kat mak aku.. habis di ambilnya.. dia suka tanam semua jenis cactus family… but here.. these do not need pots to grow.. everywhere also can! and very nice lah.
Our apartment interior.. complete with living room with flat screen TV, dry kitchen and I left some of my snacks inside that freezer!!! =(
My room, which is the 2nd room
A balcony right outside of master bedroom. I couldn’t take the picture of the room because it was too messy! haha.
Common view when u are in Great Ocean Road territory. Cold beaches, flocking white birds, yelow/green dunes...banks..whatever
oh, this is the restaurant which we had our big brunch le. 12 Rocks. Rasanya nama ni taken from 12 Apostles…
After we finished our brunch – checked out and start our discovery walk and hope there are a lot to discover la
Just learning to take a photo of plain landscape.. of twigs.. nothing but all twigs.
Signature pose – 1 leg up! Acting cute la kunun nya kan..
Macro macro shot
The hairs on the back of my neck all stood up when I took this picture..especially when it moves.. eeeeeeeeeeeeekkk
Then we drove another few minutes to the next stop
How come everytime you come around my london, london bridge wanna go down like …
London Bridge at Great Ocean! – yes as written on the information board, the main arch cracked & fell into the sea on 15 January 1990.
Loves the weather..it was like u walking in an air con room & soaking in the sun shine at the same time. This type of weather really puts people in a jovial mood.
I met her with her family, touring Victoria from Sydney. I helped them to snap a family picture too.
Up to one point.. I got bored with the sight of blue sea, crashing the yellow banks, white foamy bubbles floating.. so I starting to snap people’s leg. lol
Yea.. this information board also eroded..
Told u.. I was tired with the ocean sight already..poor dog.. why the owner left it in the car!!
oh okay.. I geddit.
This is a must.. for sheer comfort for miles..
We need to recharge our energy and discharge what ever necessary before we heading to more ‘analogous’ sight of blue sea, yellow & green banks… white foamy bubbles…
When I said ‘recharge’… this is the real stuff.. with super.. over dosage.. sugar.
Ok lah, I need to go recharge le now.. mad tired. That’s mean, the episode of Great Ocean road drive, end abruptly here, for now.

"Daydream, I fell asleep beneath flowers,
for a couple of hours.... on a beautiful day.."
Lupe Fiasco - Daydream