It's a new year Eve again? fast?? Hurm.. after rushing to the Thomas & Guys (well.. the hair do not so great tho..bleahs but they giving me discount card for next upcoming visit.. wah year 2008 so good ah?), spent chunk of my salary on gorgeous heels - which, i cant see it in any of picture taken, F*ck mannn and drove so fast to the KL tower ( i was so terrified that i am going to stuck into traffic...) here i am.. celebrating , counting down to 2008 at KL tower among the Russians...
Ok fast reviews : Food - 3.5 stars (out of 5) Love the lasagna tho & their grilled prawns. Ambiance - okok until the russians getting drunk then the party vibe is getting stronger. Music - hurmm hard to say..they played PussyCatDolls' "Dont Cha" ( i think that is suppose to be played while counting down to 2007 ler..) and.. argghhhh... i thought.. really thought that im going to have the Grande View of KL Firework??? Supposed to right? coz i am standing in the most highest tower in the Country? L.A.M.E... i think fireworks still best viewed from the ground le.. not from the top looking down... coz they were covered by SMOKE~!!!!! Chey... frustrated already ler..

Yeeeeee.. i saw a santa.. i quickly grabbed him. "Santa ..santa.. ima good girl along 2007..So what's in your Gift sack there for me ler? I hope it is a Car Key for a brand New Suzuki Swift :p" Owhh i wish hard.. very hard for it ..
Lols..Well.. i dont know why.. among of all new year i have been stepping into (how many new YEARS.. it is a secret lor keke) i HEART 2008 more than ever~! Is the best i think.. just imagine.. i starting up my 2008 with a new Burberry Handbag with 50% discount sia~!!! We talking about half price here~! What else can be better than that leh? Wuhhoo..
Besides pledging myself to settle off all my credit cards & to live with Interest Free this year 2008, I MUST & i will.. celebrate life & heart myself more this year! I'm blessed so far.. even not so blessed like Paris Hilton.. but I am happy. Hail 2008~!!! and ehs... HAPPY NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE~!!