First of all, kudos to anyone behind POS MALAYSIA's Twitter account to respond to my hashtag. Your little gesture eliminates my urge to write this letter with vulgarity and thus, this going to be very short one. You are doing your job right - A good PR.
At first I can't believe POS MALAYSIA has twitter account. Like, for what? But now it makes sense.
I appreciate to know that POS MALAYSIA has came out with beautiful parcel / box with many sizes and it's cheap. You are not just making everyday shipping easier, but you also help us in personal shopper business looks presentable.
There are so much upgrades in your service and products since 1992 except on things happened to me yesterday.
I believed that everybody has at least one sour experience with POS MALAYSIA. So here is mine.
I walked under the scorching sun to your office in Kelana Jaya, half kilometer to be exact, to get your beautiful parcel and shipped it to my brother. I purchased your "pizza-Box" parcel (which is my favorite), stuffed it and wrote the addresses (front and back).
Then I went to the last counter asking for cellophane tape, so that I can securely seal that beautiful box before I send it out, and you know what shocked me?
"Oh, kita tak bagi salotep free. Kita jual." (we don't provide cellophane tape for free, we sell it)
I was like "Tapi, 2 hari lepas saya datang, ada salotep dekat meja tempat lekat setem dan saya pernah guna" (But, I came here 2 days ago and I saw there was a cellophane tape at the writing/ stamp table and I used it before)
She replied me with sour face "saya tak tahu maca mana salotep ada kat situ. Tapi kami memang tak sediakan. Kami jual" (I don't know how come the cellophane tape was there, but we really do not provide it for free. We sell it)
Well, I do saw your little shop a.k.a STATIONERY CORNER. But all I see is envelope. Envelopes with many sizes. I didn't see any notice, stating/ showing that POS MALAYSIA also selling Cellophane Tape, Pen, Glue or even WATER for us to stick your stamp onto our letters and packages. OR, POS MALAYSIA IS PLANNING OR MAYBE STARTING TO BRANCH OUT ITS SERVICE BY SELLING ALL KIND OF STATIONERY NOW without Malaysian knowledge.
Are you telling me, in the near future, we have to bring our pen, glue, cellophane tape and even water (to stick the stamp) every time we visit your good office?
How much is that cellophane tape cost to seal my "pizza box" parcel which is prolly like 10"+12"+10" / 32" in total until I can't get your value added service so I have to pay for it after I purchased your box, paid your stamp and paid the register fee for my box weight and destination?
Oh, you think I'm stingy because I am complaining about paying 32" cellophane tape now? What about big sticker on every of your staff's forehead sitting behind the counter stating that, WE ARE NOT ONLY SELLING BEAUTIFUL PARCEL/BOX WITH MANY SIZES, WE ARE ALSO SELLING THE CELLOPHANE TAPE TO SEAL IT"
I was lucky that I only walked HALF KILOMETER in the afternoon (1 KILOMETER IN TOTAL AFTER GOING BACK TO MY OFFICE) to find out I have to purchase cellophane tape to seal the box that I purchased from POS MALAYSIA, at POS MALAYSIA. What if the old uncle and auntie who came all the way from ceruk Felda with heavy item to be sent to their kids, bought your pretty 10kgs parcel and then you said "Oh, kita tak bagi salotep free. Kita jual." (we don't provide cellophane tape for free, we sell it)". Very nice of you.
I walked back to my office to get the box sealed. I told the whole office about the incident, they are all shocked and asked me why I didn't argue and try to get 32" cellophane tape for free. I told them I do not want to argue when I know there is no way I can win by looking at the way the girl served me WHICH, ONLY GOD'S KNOW WHERE POS MALAYSIA SENT HER/ THEIR STAFFS FOR CUSTOMER SERVICE'S TRAINING.
Plus, I do not want to be seen arguing with a person like that (although I've seen too many times, aunties and uncles did it) like, bring myself down to her level, creating drama where there are 100s of people queuing over there. I do it my way. I twitted it and blog it, share it on facebook and all social network that I am signed to.
Right, maybe you will reply me "if you don't like POS MALAYSIA, please go to DHL, UPS, CITYLINK, NATIOWIDE EXPRESS and all other mother of courier services out there since you are so highly".
Tak suka Malaysia, pindah la negara lain. Ayam mahal, makan la ikan. Kalau selalu komplen hidup susah, pegi la mati. (you don't like Malaysia, go migrate. If chicken is expensive, go eat fish. If you always complaint life is hard, go die) Like that?
What a cliche.
I know POS MALAYSIA's rate is the cheapest. But with the volume you guys still make it until now. Please stop with the idea selling cellophane tape. It's like you selling the karipap but you asking your customer to pay for the plastic bag to carry the karipap. Like you selling the drink but you asking your customer to pay for the straw. But if you really think cellophane is so costly and it will cause POS MALAYSIA to go bankrupt if you keep providing free cellophane tape, here is my suggestion;
FOOL US by Cost in the cost the cellophane tape into your stamp or beautiful parcel price.
Just don't ask me to pay the whole bunch of cellophane tape separately every time I visit your place.
p/s: my office is located on 1st floor and your delivery guy NEVER sent registered parcel up to my office. They always left the ticket/ coupon in our letter box at ground floor so we have to pick it up at your office the next day. Sometimes your delivery guy never left the ticket/ coupon. Our sender get the parcel back and asking us WHY. Can we ask you WHY?
Friday, 28 March 2014
Tuesday, 18 March 2014
Alaska All White pt. 1
Initial plan was "All Blue Caribbean". I packed 2 big luggage, and suddenly my husband and I diverted into a new plan so one of my luggage left untouched due to this. It was all bikinis and sun dresses but lucky me my second luggage filled with thick clothes because we were planning to visit San Francisco.
I know it wasn't think enough for winter in Alaska. But I layered myself with some of my husband woolies, and that is why I look fat in all pictures below. *Lame excuse*
I remember during my visit to Alaska last year June, it was summer with 10 degree celcius. That is summer in Alaska. My boyfriend's - mom - then my mother in law told me I should visit Alaska during winter. "It is much more beautiful here in winter". That was what she said to me. 6 months later, I got married to her son and here we are for the reception in winter!
It is very beautiful in winter, indeed. I never been to any part of country during snowy season - so, once again, this is another huge life experience for me. I don't know how big is the loss for not getting my ass on Caribbean's white sandy beach, but how many of Malaysian get to experience winter in Alaska for 3 weeks?
It was February. But I feel it's Christmas in here - all weeks. I keep on telling my husband "it's a Christmas town!" when we drove to Palmer to get my Valentine's balloons.
Winter in Alaska is so beautiful. It is so beautiful until it hurts. I am all tropical girl basking under the sun 365 days a year and I love the rain. I can't stand my office air conditioned and now we are talking about -17 Celcius. "hmm February this year is pretty warm though" said the Alaskan. WARM?
I got severe chapped lips and my skin itchy as fuck. I swear I scratched my ass and legs like the skin is almost come off. I scratched like monkey and my nostril bleeds. That was how beautiful Winter in Alaska treated me :(
It took me forever to get dressed in here. First I had to layer my face with many kind of moisturizers, then foundation with SPF and powder. Next I had to wear at last 2 layer of pants, and top. Socks had to be 2 layers too. Then hat plus thick jacket. I see myself as Michelin Man everyday. So plump and bulky. Not sexy at all. But at least here, tak ada la dosa aurat gitu. All covered up. Patut la laki aku baik je walau berjauhan. Tak de benda yang menaikkan nafsu kut kat sini.
Outside, still had to wait for Mike to get all the snow off the windscreen and window.
Depan rumah mentua sahaja ni. Dah boleh buat poster.
We Malaysian always imagine the snow is just like ABC (shaved ice). But actually it is finer than that. So soft like a sifted cake flour. I can watch my foot walk on it forever and the sound it make is kinda addictive.
You can put me into JAKUN category. But Sejakun jakun aku, I never put those snow into my mouth. But I did scooped it with my bare hands and it burnt me like hell. Too cold until it's too hot. I can't feel my hands for a minute and whine like I'm dying.
I love to walk on untouched path. Because I love to see the foot/ shoe print I left behind. Well, that is how I live my life though.
When you stay long enough at one place, then you can see the real beauty of it, sit at your backyard or the road you use everyday to go to work. You don't need to travel so far and find touristy spot to see buena vista. It is all around you if you pay attention to it.
Like me, I love driving in traffic from work back to my house in Shah Alam. The sunset view from fucking Federal Highway compensate the suffocate traffic. I even took picture of it with my mobile phone and I think it's one of the most beautiful sunset I have seen and deserves to be Instagrammed.
But here in Alaska, oh how I love the crispy clean air. I considered myself a little bit luckier than other Malaysian at that moment because friends keep telling me how hot Malaysia was plus haze from came from burning forests. Alhamdulillah. Nikmat tuhan.
These photos taken at my parent in law's backyard. I spent quite sometime to enjoy the snow piling on the tree branches. I wish I can stay out longer, but it was too cold :(
..and then I found where Eric the dog and the cat buried too.
Snow piling up on trampoline.
I found icicle without going into cave.
From here. Underneath the car. haha.
This is the view along George Park's Highway. I took it when we heading to Anchorage.
and this is neighbor's dog. I think it is Korgi because it has short leg like munchkin cat. So cute and he ignored the call from his owner and busy posing for me and even wanted to play some throw twig with me.
Then we get off from highway and found a very beautiful neighborhood.
I get to experience walking on hard icy lake for the first time too. During winter, people drive their car on the icy lake for fun (?). I don't know how slippery it is to drive on ice, but I almost fall when I tried to walk on it. So I guess this would be the best place to do the Tokyo drift.
To be continued Alaska All White pt. 2
Monday, 10 March 2014
Pray For MH370
I must admit that the view from the sky down is the most beautiful. I always think birds are the luckiest creature among the animals because they can fly freely and get to enjoy panoramic view everyday and traffic jam is none of their problem.
People risk to climb the mountains just to see the view at the end of the climbing. Big cities invested on tallest tower so that people can experience a bird's view.
The view from the sky is so beautiful until I got so frustrated if I couldn't get window seat in the plane OR my view obstructed by the plane's wing :(
and I bet some of you take window seat seriously just like me. I can stare at white clouds for hours until my neck hurts. Although I haven't been all around the globe, yet, but like a bird, I am kinda lucky to have my own sky view collection set of photo - day and night, from dusk until dawn.
That was what Mike told me when I voiced out my worry. When the news hit the world about MH370, I couldn't help it but imagine I am one of the passanger in that flight. My heart racing just by picturing it in my head. Although none of the passanger of MH370 is related to me or I know of, but I mourn throughout the day and all the notes, updates and memes I came across on Facebook, Instagram and TV news brought tears to my eyes.
I know what happened to MH370 is not the first case in the world. But, you will not feel the terror of disaster until it happen to someone that close to you or your own country.
And yet, I do not understand how some of Malaysian still can make a joke out of it, pointing finger, involve political issue in it and the worst is, bring in the religion into it. It's a God's warning to the Malaysian. Once again, these people succeed to potray God is mean instead of wisdom. I don't know why Melayu suka sangat instill FEAR instead of LOVE towards God.
I came accross on Facebook, a guy posted "Apa yg berlaku adalah peringatan Allah...bila berlaku musibah semua dtg bsujud kepadaNya...berdoa siang dan mlm...pada yg kdg2 lupa padaNya...bersama2 kita memohon Allah tunjukkan jln keluar....tapi ada jugak manusia yg bodoh menganggap ini bkn peringatan dr Allah....hati kamu dah rosak..."
FYI, everybody - regardless race, religion and age is praying for this. But for you to set a verdict some people are stupid and their heart are corrupted, that is not for you to judge. I see no differences between such an extreamists like you with this girl below;
You both are one of a kind.
Aku tahu mati itu pasti. Dan bukannya aku ingin menongkah kehidupan didunia ini selamanya. Tetapi selain mati di dalam iman, I wish that plane crash is not the way I leave this world.
As at today, there is no definite answer for MH370. Crash, hi jacked or dissapear into parrallel world - but everybody has same thing in mind - hope for miracle to happen. That is positive enough for LOA practitioner. Untuk yang Islam sangat tu.. "miracle" maksudnya pertolongan tuhan lah. Tapi jangan pula paksa yang bukan Islam tu pray for miracle pada tuhan yang kamu sembah. They have their own belief. What you can do as a good muslim at this point is - respect other people's belief if you want to earn the same thing.
Seperti kata Tun M - "Malaysia are being watch by millions of people all over the world right now. Be a grown up and stop embarrassing your country".
Don't you think this is also another hikmah? Those millions of people might be the biggest mirror to the Malaysian this time and give the clearest reflections of who you are after thinking yourself as the most holy human kind in this world just because you read The Book in Arabic language. Nor this is not a conspiracy neither. World does not revolves around politicians too.
People risk to climb the mountains just to see the view at the end of the climbing. Big cities invested on tallest tower so that people can experience a bird's view.
The view from the sky is so beautiful until I got so frustrated if I couldn't get window seat in the plane OR my view obstructed by the plane's wing :(
and I bet some of you take window seat seriously just like me. I can stare at white clouds for hours until my neck hurts. Although I haven't been all around the globe, yet, but like a bird, I am kinda lucky to have my own sky view collection set of photo - day and night, from dusk until dawn.
View of Guilin from the Sky |
Sometimes, when I can't sleep and I'm done with all the skymovies, I stared out in the darkness of the sky at night. Try to figure out what's underneath me. Is it a sea ? Mountains? or just a flat land?
Sky view of Phnom Penh |
And every time when the plane suddenly shook and dropped a few feet down due to heavy clouds and turbulence, my heart sunk. I always anxious to hear the beep sound before the captain announce the current situation and the last thing I wanted to hear is "fasten your seat belt, we are going down, fast".
Skyview of Mount Rainier, Seattle |
I am a frequent flyer. My work, my hobby and my relationship - requires me to fly quite frequent compared to my friends that I know. Last year alone I had to get on various plane more than 10 times and this year is not going to be any lesser. In fact I am heading to Saigon for work this weekend after 2 weeks I came back from the States.
Los Angeles to Seattle view from the sky |
"Don't think that way. You could think that about anything. It was one incident out of millions of flights"
That was what Mike told me when I voiced out my worry. When the news hit the world about MH370, I couldn't help it but imagine I am one of the passanger in that flight. My heart racing just by picturing it in my head. Although none of the passanger of MH370 is related to me or I know of, but I mourn throughout the day and all the notes, updates and memes I came across on Facebook, Instagram and TV news brought tears to my eyes.
I know what happened to MH370 is not the first case in the world. But, you will not feel the terror of disaster until it happen to someone that close to you or your own country.
And yet, I do not understand how some of Malaysian still can make a joke out of it, pointing finger, involve political issue in it and the worst is, bring in the religion into it. It's a God's warning to the Malaysian. Once again, these people succeed to potray God is mean instead of wisdom. I don't know why Melayu suka sangat instill FEAR instead of LOVE towards God.
I came accross on Facebook, a guy posted "Apa yg berlaku adalah peringatan Allah...bila berlaku musibah semua dtg bsujud kepadaNya...berdoa siang dan mlm...pada yg kdg2 lupa padaNya...bersama2 kita memohon Allah tunjukkan jln keluar....tapi ada jugak manusia yg bodoh menganggap ini bkn peringatan dr Allah....hati kamu dah rosak..."
FYI, everybody - regardless race, religion and age is praying for this. But for you to set a verdict some people are stupid and their heart are corrupted, that is not for you to judge. I see no differences between such an extreamists like you with this girl below;
You both are one of a kind.
New Zealand View from the sky |
Aku tahu mati itu pasti. Dan bukannya aku ingin menongkah kehidupan didunia ini selamanya. Tetapi selain mati di dalam iman, I wish that plane crash is not the way I leave this world.
Sky view of Bangkok City |
As at today, there is no definite answer for MH370. Crash, hi jacked or dissapear into parrallel world - but everybody has same thing in mind - hope for miracle to happen. That is positive enough for LOA practitioner. Untuk yang Islam sangat tu.. "miracle" maksudnya pertolongan tuhan lah. Tapi jangan pula paksa yang bukan Islam tu pray for miracle pada tuhan yang kamu sembah. They have their own belief. What you can do as a good muslim at this point is - respect other people's belief if you want to earn the same thing.
Sky View Los Angeles at Night. |
Thank you to those countries who sent their assets and equipments in search of MH370 expedition despite of how majority of Malaysians HATE you and your country and please do not expect these Malaysians to show their gratitude except this is God's punishment. They don't see this as a whole picture like - at least we know the list of 1st world country that are willing to help Malaysia without charge.
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Arizona sky space at dawn |
Seperti kata Tun M - "Malaysia are being watch by millions of people all over the world right now. Be a grown up and stop embarrassing your country".
Don't you think this is also another hikmah? Those millions of people might be the biggest mirror to the Malaysian this time and give the clearest reflections of who you are after thinking yourself as the most holy human kind in this world just because you read The Book in Arabic language. Nor this is not a conspiracy neither. World does not revolves around politicians too.
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