Honey Nasty Breakfast cereal :)
I do not need to plan memorable things to do, so that this awesome date will be the most memorable day forever. People got engaged & tied the knot, or maybe choose this day to lose their virginity. Because this date, is mine. whether I choose to ignore it or to do something with it.

Yes. It’s my birthday.
Don’t ever ask. I lost count. But it is definitely more than the number of candles on that birthday cake. Whatever it is, counting or not, that day will come. Botox, fillers, knife or cement (?? cementing your face?) – you still will grow old.
Well, it’s not the wrinkles & saggy fat Im worried about (um, Im half lying), but it is the events & wishes that I able to complete so that I can bring it with me as fond memories when Im old.

Hold up, about the wrinkles – I am grateful that I was born as Asian, because we ladies have 5 fatty pockets on our face, and the size is larger than non Asian, so it slows down the process of wrinkles. Go ahead. Hate Asian ladies - because we are blessed with so much more. Not to mention cuteness at the age of 40.

I always wanted to spend my special day in a meaningful way, with people that brings meaning to my life – friendship, loyalty, understanding, trust, love & respect. You can stop reading this for a while, and start counting, how many people that surrounds you holding all 6 qualities and have a good look at the same time, as mine?

It is good to be with familiar faces on this date, that laughs, stares, mean jokes

…and similar sickness where, all of you equally addicted to camera lens.
Bottom line – Comfortability. To be around each other. No matter how stressful the day is or how unfair certain things are, I always know, these faces never stood me up. They are always there, waiting, looking gorgeous at me. #iloveugirlfriends
Oh, talking about comfortable, I knew I am 100% right when I choose Hummingbirds Coffee Bar, Jalan Telawi Bangsar, for my hi tea party.

I was busy finding the right place after I changed my initial plan to do it at Carcosa Seri Negara for English Hi Tea Party. I mean, what is the next best place after such a grand venue such as Carcosa Seri Negara? Well, I didn't say that this Coffee Bar is at par with Carcosa, but if you looking for a quiet, private but decent place (decent, because it is bright, not for scandalous meeting with your "kekasih gelap") to sit down for a cuppa, with your close friends and having some conversation that everybody can clearly hear & understand you instead of loud music and smoke, this is the place.

So, I was here, 3 weeks before my birthday with my officemate, we had tea & a slice of red velvet cake. I totally fell in love with their big velvet armchairs and chic interior. So after writing to them back and forth, I was so happy that I had no problem to book that place on such awesome date - 20.11.2011.

They have Christmas decoration going on when I had my Birthday celebration, it makes everything even more, cute & warm :)

Delicious finger foods,

It makes beautiful crowd, looks undeniably beautiful :)

Since I got a few inquiries through emails about some of the clothes that Im wearing. So from now on, I will share with the girl readers of what are those.
Top : MNG/ Tutu Skirts : Zara/ Pump Shoes: Bershka / Belt: Zara

Opening birthday pressies. Girlfriends knew that I love earrings. So, I got a lot of earrings on this year's birthday! I dont need to buy earrings for a couple of months now! #happyearringspeople.
So everything went as super smooth as the cream cheese on my birthday cake & that red velvet cupcake's . Just like I imagined, just like I wanted.

..just like what I wished before I blow those candles off : Always looks good with my new age, feels good with every little things that happen around me - so it may add up the value of who I am. And love, always love.

I've been that age. I've done that age. It is fun.
P/S: To everyone who wishes me, including belated: Thank You. On my Facebook's wall, mobile messages, inbox and in the morning when I just opened my eyes.
Lady Scorpio signing off, for now!
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