I know this is not going to be the 1st travel post that I am unable to finish it up although I got 3 months gap before I am packing for my next trip. There will be more. I just let every story of my experience & journey hanging with no end. NO, Im not planning to host “Finish this story contest”. It just the details of my travel itinerary has vapors into the thin air. Told you before, that my skull not as thick as normal humans do, it can’t contain much, sometimes it leaked. So I tend to forget things very quick. (wtf.. why I rhyme so much..)
Before I continue with boring writes up about my moldy story of Taiwan trip, boring because – you wont get much information out of those pictures posted after this paragraph anymore. Because I forget where it was taken and why. So I would like to get sentimental with new attractive findings and obsession lately.

Yea, beautiful girls. These two are not ordinary beautiful girls. NO they don’t have Phd from Harvard or can do fly kick. But these two really made me keep on flipping their photos and stares at it for long hours. Is that how a guy feels when they see a beautiful girl? I think I can understand now. Neelofa & Izahara Aishah were constants of beauty contest on one of Malaysian Magazine, which I don’t bother to read. And I came to know that these two also starred in many of Malay dramas & movies, which I don’t give a damn to watch. But when I came across their pictures in my Facebook’s wall of recent updates, hell, now I can’t stop.

..and I never knew that Malaysian’s Malay girls.. are truly beautiful, until I saw these two. Look at those hair, it made me ran to Bukit Bintang Plaza last Saturday to find hair extensions so that I can have the same length as theirs, since it is impossible for me to have the face & the body like them
And I started to think over & over again, it must be lucky to have what ever they are having now, without plastic surgery & photoshop software, all they got to do is beaming their smile, rainbows appear above their head, unicorns come flying next to them, prince charming wannabes kneeling upon them with 1001 beautiful will to make these girls’ dream come true..and their life would never be lonely. I believed that none of their requests and wishes left unfulfilled.
My new findings has taught me 1 new fact. Some girls were born to be loved, and some, is to love. There is no way a girl has both side of qualities. Unfortunately I was born to love. I love a lot and I never understand when my love is being ignored. or the one that came to me was not the one that I wished for. So I love secretly in order not to feel unlucky. I fulfilled my own wishes and fantasies so that I feel as good as other beauties. I brag a lot so that people notice me. Ok. emotional heartboxxing.
Where were we? Ah, Sun Moon Lake.
Sun & Moon Lake districts are so big & beautiful, it makes everything around it became part of sightseeing attractions too. Few minutes drive from Sun Moon Lake pier (which I don’t know which pier it is), we arrived at WenWu Temple.

detail information about Wunwu temple can be read HERE. Thank you.

So, try to find me in that picture, where I was about to do “year of steps” in 2 minutes time. It’s called year of steps because it has 366 steps symbolizing 366 days in a year (including leap year). This is easy peasy. I done even steeper than this. It was like 10 years of steps at Batu Caves, Selangor, and it made me almost roll down to the day 1. Urggh.

..and so the architecture made me feels like.. ancient opera soap setting…

everything is in gold & red..

When I said ‘everything’ is in gold & red…

Johan Van der Smut a.k.a GoldMember would be very happy to see this.

..at the God of War hall, stands bronze Blue Dragon Falchion. This reminds me of The Storm Riders, Fung Wan, Pedang Setiawan, Wind & Clouds. I watched the movie and I read ALL the comics when I was 18! Uh, no wonder I became even more fierce after I came back from Taiwan. I guess the wrath sprit has transferred into me!
Why oh why.. among of all many things in that temple, I touched this sword?

wishes & prayers. This one appears that something to do with the property. I saw a few wishing cards with the sign of hearts & wedding ring too. Ah, if you are as gorgeous as those 2 girls above, you no need to visit any temple, hanging wishes and doing prayers – the guys doing all the pray that one day he can take photos with you, or say hi to you, at least!

So thank you GOD! *see? he don’t even bother to stand & smile properly, maybe he don’t mind became permanently retarded after having Neelofa elbow touches his back*

…and last but not least, a handsome terracota man standing at the entrance of shrine hall, of the First Ancestor Kaiji and the God of Literature.

So, we finished with the temple, and waste our time and dropped by to see some chickens.

At Peacock Garden.
The website says 200 kinds of birds & chickens. But I only see 5. Um…never mind.

obviously he wasn’t waiting for me. He, as a bird, don’t even bother to turn his head & look at me. Not to mention open up his pretty colorful tail. It is so obvious I wasn’t that hot chick for him to woo me 

ok. enough about chickens & birds. I saw these a lot in the back of my grandmother’s house when I was a little. All they do is eat & shit.
So, finally I arrived at the most anticipated place where good foods, cute toys and cheap stuffs at. Feng Chia Night Market. My office colleague gave me listing of night market in Taiwan. Taiwan is about night market, night market, night market.

It is so clean, well arranged and has no spunky smell except for that stinky tofu. Night markets in Malaysia are nothing like Taiwan’s. Ours is DIRTY! When I arrived, I saw a lot of huge plastic mobile rubbish bin placed in the middle of the night market’s lane, like there is one huge rubbish bin every 10 steps. Few hours later, it full with all kind of trash & food wrappers, none on the streets! I was surprise how civilized everybody is! So since I was there, then, myself included 

My nose has the ability to catch the smell of yummeh. This was the 1st caught by my good nostrils. Charcoal grilled prawn!

It sprinkled with white pepper & nicely salted. Me like it!

The size of the prawns is not bad. But.. I can’t get enough of it. But then my friend told me to save some space for other good food. So I listened to him.

to be filled with this heavenly delicious balls!!

People were queuing for this! The taste is out of this world! I LOVE BALLS, TAKO BALLS!

nyam, nyam. There goes my glamorous table manners when it comes to good food. FUGLY!

Give you peek what’s inside. a cube of crunchy octopus leg with good cheeeeeseeeeee..

I didn’t try this bloody cake! I want but then my friend wrongly gave me the info telling me that this cake made with pig blood. YEA, pig blood his head. It made from red beans! Urrgghhh. It seems like this cake is very super famous. See the news paper cut? I hate you Leo!

You see the giant octopus? That is where the tako balls restaurant is.
So I strolled inside.. and end up with these;

1 dress, 1 jumper, 1 harem pants, 1 sporty pants, 1 t-back pink singlet dress, 1 girlie shoulder bag, 2 scarves (1 of it to match my girlie shoulder bag), 2.. uh 3 actually, girlie umbrellas... And it's below RM300. I can buy & wear cheap stuffs!

and Leo bought me this hamsap pillow at the same market to compliment my pink bedroom. Thanks LEO!

Hari Hari Gembira? Everyday Happy?

While the boys are trying their luck at Gachapon heaven..

the girls are trying to find one pair of shoes which, maybe, can change their life!

Cute dog sit prettily at the nail paint booth. No leash. She’s a good good girl!
I love Taiwan night market. I don’t see anything ugly within the market. Be it cheap stuffs, girls, boys or dogs, they are appear very cute to me.

“Life is like dancing, If we have a big floor..many people will dance. Some will get angry when the rhythm changes. But life is changing all the time” ~ Don Miguel Ruiz.
…and with that quote, I end this post, abruptly.
P/S: I wanna get lost next week, in a stranger land. It might be a self discovery, read the signs and arrows and make it sure I reach my destination. But it is okay to stray a little while because, If you don’t get lost, there’s a chance you may never be found 
Loving life – even if it’s a bitch one.