I just threw a small, private birthday party for myself (aw, sounds pathetic). It was my 3rd birthday party in my entire life (lol) and the rest were always only me & my boyfriend. And now, I realized that being single means I have to work hard for my own happiness. I envy towards some other people whom their happiness just came rolling into their life just like rain during monsoon season.

One of my girlfriend asked me “so, who’s the sponsor behind this?”. I was startled for a moment. I didn’t expect to get that kind of question and I really don’t know how to react towards it. Being totally independent, paying my own bills made me forget that such question exists. Anyway, at least I still let someone sponsored me with something.. It was my birthday cake! It wasn’t cheap as it looks. It was from choffle’s cake studio & it costs him MYR350. How about that?

and oh.. I can’t put up many pics in here because most of the pictures looks like we were having lesbian party. Full of boobies groping & girls kissing each other. *sorry*

I did have some wishes in my mind right before I blew those candles off. Besides wishing my current weight & look stay the way it is, forever or at least till Im 55 (believe me, those two keeps me happy though out the year) I do wishing that I will meet someone born in a year of Pig or Dog or Rabbit in year of 2011. I know, this wish is too early for someone has her relationship fell apart last august but, blame it on Feng Shui book that I happened to take a glance while looking for cloth hanger! Wtf..

A lady told me that I should change my attitude & principle if I wanted to get a good man. She told me that I’m giving out a wrong 1st impression to strangers. She told me she did think that I’m a very wild, and I might give men a thought that I am for fun. She suggested that I ‘put up’ a decent act for the 1st few meetings and let the guy know the real me as time goes by. The hell what men think about me. If they can’t wait to judge me and if only ‘my decent act’ can grab their heart – that is their problem, not mine! Actually they are the one with a serious problem - Who asks them to have such limited assessment skills. And they are worthless to be with lah! Forgive me that I can’t act accordingly to other people’s expectations & pleasures. I do whatever that makes myself happy. I always put myself first than the others. I am self centered and arrogant bitch, because I, myself has to go to the ATM machine and withdraw my own money from my own bank account to buy my own food. Not them! If they do feed me, still, my thoughts & my principles are mine alone. It was not them who gave birth to me! And who is stupid enough to judge human according to their clothing, while everybody knows that, it’s a FASHION STATEMENT. NOT INDIVIDUAL’S MIND & SOUL LABEL.
She also told me that men love when a girl depending on them financially. It made them feel powerful bread maker. Who needs “feel powerful” man? Powerful isn’t just by feel, it’s how you manage to fulfill your responsibilities and make your girl happy in whatever you do. If I said I wanted to go to Paris just to have my croissant, Italy for the best penne parmigiana and the best fuck on Burj Al Arab Dubai’s bed, will it make him less powerful (or in this case – zero power) if he unable to give me that?
No, being financial independent woman doesn’t mean that I give a man or any men easy way to be my man. Here is the list of criteria if they wish to be my man;
1) He can’t fuck other girl. He must be 100% ready for monogamous relationship. Yes, I don’t like dick sharing
2) Know how to cook TASTY healthy food, especially grilled fish & lean chicken meat for me. So that I won’t grow sideways. I don’t cook. Unless I feel like to.
3) Must have same food tastes as mine.
4) He must not mess living room, bed room, kitchen and the rest part of the house because I WONT clean it.
5) He must scrub the toilet bowl, sink & floor because I wont do that too.
6) He must know how to look good, wear decent clothes which make me looks good too whenever we attending events or functions.
7) Bring me out for a romantic date, like real romantic Valentine’s like date at least once a month.
8) Must be funny. And lame joke is not counted.
9) He must like my favorite TV shows.
10) Good in bed. Go on for hours doesn’t mean that he is good. But he must be good in bed.
11) He must be by my side when Im sick. (and again, know how to cook a good soup)
12) He must love pets. All kind of pet with fur. (and again, he must clean the pet’s shit)
**note number 4 & 5 can be skipped if he willing to hire a maid. Maid by hours will do if he can’t afford to get in house maid.
EASY? Yeah, you might have my contact number if you think you able to fulfill all 12.
Stop being judgmental people!
and oh, I have a picture of me in Baju Kurung. I had this when I went to my friend’s grandma house for Aidiladha @ Jelebu, Negeri Sembilan, a week before my birthday party. Den turun naik jambatan bosi ekau tau tak?

Macam sopan kan?

We had the best lomang (ahahehehe) and Soto in the world! The lemang is the softest I ever had.. and the soto.. I asked my girlfriend if she can cook it for me some other time with her family recipe.. she said.. “I’ll try”. Wheeeeee…

Title of this picture will be: Rumah nenek Linda..

Put up a decent act..

Well.. not for more than an hour.

I am me & Im happy for who I am! If you don’t like me, it must be you - are the one with serious problem! Ahahhahaha.
Adios! Pegi mampos.

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards; they try to have more things, or more money, in order to do more of what they want, so they will be happier. The way it actually works is the reverse. You must first be who you really are, then do what you need to do, in order to have what you want. ~Margaret Young