I had nothing arranged for this weekend. So I decided to drive around the city with Big Boi. When it time for Christmas, KL city just went frenzy with decorations & stuff. Like it really snow in here. I don’t think other countries splurge on Christmas streets & centerpiece decorations like Asian do. And most of us are Muslims & Buddhists. So I went to these 4 biggest, the most grand shopping malls in KL city. Gosh, they are really outdo each other with Christmas decorations! And the competition seems like getting serious every year!
Lets start with most expensive motherfucker sky class shopping mall in Bukit Bintang – Pavillion.

I was so excited to see workmanship in Pavillion, Kuala Lumpur. I heard people told me they make snow flakes come down (not sure which area, the entrance or the center hall) But then, I was thinking.. how they do it? by cutting the polystyrene? That’s too much insensitive towards mother earth! Real shaved ice? Then it will wet their expensive deco!

No way they do the snow in here. This huge ass xmas tree is highly voltage ok? Wanna die is it? Didn’t believe me?

There. The sign of High Voltage is every where, became one of the xmas tree ornaments. Ppffttt. I don’t dare to touch the tree!
Look at their giant curtain! It’s all Le Grand & gold gold gold.

They were having a Christmas carol the moment I reached there.
So, I quickly snapped few pictures, grabbed my chicken crepe and back to my car. I don’t dare to walk around ok? It is freaking Year End Sale! The feeling is like, thirsty, like 3 days without water and yet you are swimming in a sea of Cool Banana Smootie! Argghhhh! God, I was really tempted to stop, trying those discounted dresses & shoes and swipe my card! I was holding, covering my head, so that all the evil cheap discount radiation waves won’t get through my thin skull! Bad timing! Bad! Fuck my life!
Pavillion never failed to make me feel less like home. I always feel like I am somewhere, where the currency is double or triple. It felt worst than Orchard Road Singapore. I was there for 35 minutes.. and the parking costs me RM8. Fuck my wallet. Now I know where they got so much money to put up that grand Christmas decorations! It’s from their parking fee! Confirm lah!

Say NO to this. You evil sign board! I hate you!
So, our next stop is.. Mid Valley.

Awww.. It was sooo cute. Huge teddies, lollipop are everywhere!

The teddy is ginormous! Even my room is smaller than his belly! I LOVE their TOYLAND concept!

There was a show too by the time I arrived. Look at two white teddies on top of carrousel! So cute just like it made from marshmallow!
I didn’t notice how happy I was until I realized I was jumping like a little kid! I bet I make Big Boi happy too. I seldom bring him around KL city before. I was so exhausted from the excitement & jumping, so I took a break.

Yes! It’s a pink bubblegum flavor!
And this time, I was a bit astray. I was rushing back to my car and suddenly I saw pink glittery thingy at the Che Che New York’s window. I keep on walking, but I don’t know how I ended in front of the handbag’s shelf somehow. Oh, fuck me! Forgive my egg shell’s thin skull.

Tell me, how am I going resist this?
So I threw the ice cream, and starting to carry the handbag in front of the big mirror, back & forth, left to right. The sales girl came to me with her evil eyes “we have promotion, if you buy this new arrival’s range you are entitled to buy the 2nd piece at 40% discount”
No! This isn’t right! I recalled the banker voice, when he called me & informed me about my credit rating. ‘Highly utilization.. highly utilization…” So I I stormed out from that shop, trembled! What was I thinking!?
I ran & ran until I found escalator down to the basement. But then I saw big sign stuck at Guess glass window “Sale up to 70%”. So my brain cell started to calculate .. “if the thing is RM400.00, 70%.. it will be around RM120. Ah, cheap! cheap! By the time I finished my calculation I already inside fitting room trying a denim bustier. Fuck my life again & again!
The bustier really looks good on me. Minus the boobs. I can’t see my boobs. It didn’t pop out! Damn my small boobs. Ah, don’t worry. I can stuff the padding thingy to make it pop out. So I take a look at the tag. 50%. What? Not 70%? It was the last piece. Kinda worn out. Hmmm. So I calmed myself down and gave my brain another 5 minutes to think. What do you know! I walked out from that store like a proud adult. I didn’t take it.
So, I was thinking by myself while driving to the next shopping mall.. I already able to curb the temptation towards cute men since many many years ago while Im in a long distance relationship. And now I successfully curb the temptation of crazy discount sale item. What am I now? Can I call myself a Master Yoda or something? Can I??
So, I arrived at the 3rd shopping mall, 1Utama, Damansara.

Oh look! It’s looks like the present are more than the tree leaves!

Complete with fake ice skating rink! It fooled me for a while, because I really went near the ice rink. I thought it was iced.

The show & the settings wasn’t grand as last year. I think I know why. Because 1Utama didn’t make much on their parking fee! Be it weekends or weekday, it always RM1.00 per entry. Hehe. But I love 1Utama among all of all shopping complex in KL city…

Since I successfully announced myself as Master Yoda, I was so confident that I won’t fall for any kind of discount or promotions anymore. Well, in order to maintain the mind & soul strength, I should keep on testing & challenge myself. So that this new title Im currently holding is genuine & pure. It is my 1st day anyway! So, I challenge myself to walk into my favorite brand, TOPSHOP. I know, there might be a very strong dark force inside.. oh well.
All dresses seems like out of season. Hhmm.. nothing interesting. Then I saw 1 blue cut out dress.. hhmm.. slutty…But I have to try it on to prove it’s a slutty dress. I might be wrong you know? So I took it in, and.. ah…suddenly I feel horny just by looking at myself in the mirror, with that dress. It hugged me so perfectly, I can see my midriff left & right.. I just need to do more sit up, and it will be perfect! It reminds me of Halle Berry & Kim Kardashian’s. Uh, I must have it. My brain cells totally dead on me.
So, there I go.. defeated by 1 piece slutty dress! Well, it’s on 50% discount though. I was so frustrated with myself, so I need to cheer me up. So I decided to walk into Forever21, yea another favorite tags. I walked out with cheerful smile because I manage to get full sequined pink dress just exactly I saw it online 2 weeks ago. I think we are fated to be with each other. =) It’s a destiny! So, I postpone my “quit shopping treatment” next month. There is still plenty of time. It’s ok.
It almost 7pm. So I drove to my last destination. And I don’t worry about Year End Sale anymore. I got my dosage.
The last one was : Sunway Pyramid.

It’s nothing except the gigantic snow globe! But they should pump the air in to make the white thingy flutter around.. like a real snow globe.

So, that’s it. I don’t have time to take any picture outside of Sunway Pyramid. I was physically & mentally tired. You can never imagined what war I was into and badly defeated. Actually Sunway Pyramid is the winner among of all shopping complex when it comes to street lightings & fancy streets archway. It is oh so fancy, almost kinda disneyland. They spent million dollars on electricity & contribute towards global warming actively. Hooray!
Till then, Merry Christmas & Happy New year too all losers!
Technorati Tags: Christmas,Photography,Pavillion Kuala Lumpur,Mid Valley City Kuala Lumpur,1Utama Damansara,Sunway Pyramid Selangor,shopping complex,Kuala Lumpur